First Corona, then the war in Ukraine and the consequences that this entails: Many people seem to be losing courage right now. But there are strategies that can help.

“… and then Corona came and threw all my plans upside down.” “How should I shape my professional or private future given the energy prices?” “What should I change at the age of 45?” – These and similar sentences As an experienced coach, I hear this every day. They all have one thing in common. They come from people who have become despondent as a result of external or internal crises.

Of course, we currently have demanding and challenging times to master. But such problems have existed in every generation. And in every generation there were also people who, despite adverse circumstances and despite self-doubt, created a real success story. You need these four things above all: motivation and courage, self-love – and the right strategies.

Do you love cinema? You may know that many of Hollywood’s hit movies have been built around the traditional hero’s journey structure. In this style of storytelling, developed independently in all cultures around the globe, the heroine or hero must overcome some dark internal and/or external obstacles in order to conquer the Holy Grail.

Monsters, snakes, enemies, criminals, diseases, cunning and deceit, injustice – nothing can stop the hero from achieving his goal. Because the hero has strategies that we can use well in everyday life and at work. You will now get to know three of the most important strategies.

If there is a nuclear war, is everything over anyway? The government is to blame for everything? Is it always the other people who are lucky? These pessimistic slogans are not only frustrating but also misfocused. Of course, you have no influence on what Putin, politicians and other people do. So focus on what you have in your hands: your job and your private life.

Success begins in the mind. Hollywood and real-life heroes have one thing in common: the genuine will and tenacity to achieve their goals. Don’t be fooled. It doesn’t matter whether you’re aiming for the next milestone in your career, want to lose 20 kilos or want to venture into self-employment – don’t let frustration, negative experiences, the warnings of others or your inner bastard hold you back. Is it important to you? Then start. Now!

Resilience is the ability to not let the adversities of life get you down, to make necessary course changes and to develop successful strategies. Studies by the Fraunhofer Institute document that resilient and successful companies are able to strategically realign themselves, especially in times of crisis. This ability is also the be-all and end-all in private life in order to master crises and at the same time initiate successful processes.

Do you have enough self-love to change your life more actively and to successfully achieve your goals? Then focus on these goals, take new courage and work on your resilience.

Thousands of clients from my personal training have proven that this is possible.

For you too. Start now!