In his report, the head of the Institute of civil defense Sergey Didenko touched, of course, the various threats and fires, and winds, and accidents at power plants. But the main emphasis in the current forecast is still done on the water. The General stressed that it was confirmed earlier forecasts for the last decade of July of the deteriorating meteorological situation on the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia, Republic of North Ossetia – Alania, and the Krasnodar territory. This means that the methods of hydrologists is highly accurate, so that a new forecast should be treated with the utmost seriousness. According to him, from 3 to 10 August, you may experience difficulties in securing shipping in the northwestern and far Eastern Federal districts.

According to forecasters, the Institute, on the rivers Pechora, Vychegda and the UCA, the water level dropped to 10-15 centimeters below the lowest level at which shipping is permitted.

the daily Also continues the low water levels on the Lena river. In Lensk area of Khatyng – Tumul reduction averages from 20 to 40 inches, and on the rivers Yana and Kolyma – from 5 to 15 centimeters. This means one thing: local authorities should hurry with the Northern delivery, because to affect the hydrological situation man can not. Artificial bringing rain is of short duration and will not correct the situation.

conversely, heavy precipitation are expected in the Primorsky Krai, in the South and in the center of Khabarovsk Krai, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, in the Amur region and the Jewish Autonomous region, in Bashkiria, Perm, Orenburg, Karelia Republic and Murmansk region.

high water threatens not only the shipping. For example, recently in Tuva MES four times went to the aid of people caught in the trap due to the increase in water level in rivers. So, when you move Durgen river to Wade to the middle of the river stuck UAZ. On the roof of the car help waited four people, including a child. “We managed at the last moment, – said fire – the account went for seconds, because a strong current the car could flip over”.

Another threat concerns the epidemiological situation. In some regions, people are threatened animals sick with rabies. Among these regions is leading Chukotka.

In the vicinity of the Anadyr dramatically increased the number of red foxes can be carriers of rabies. Over the past three years the first recorded case of infection with rabies, a pet.

Increased the number of bears in the area of lake Baikal. Now there is the abundance of the predator about three times higher than the required average. In the food chain that threatens the population of moose and red deer. Danger lurks for many tourists that in the summer vacation went EN masse to the lake. So now the hunters began shooting particularly aggressive m��of doda.