the Builders of the square under the walls of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Volgograd have found a unique burial monument of the XIX century. As the experts found out, he belonged to the famous Tsaritsyn merchant Arkhip Ivanov, founder of the trading house “Arkhip Ivanov and sons.” It turns out that this is the first and only surviving fragment of the ancient local cemetery.

Miraculously preserved a slab of polished granite, the builders found when they raked the area under the square. On the stone placed in a top-down prayer, and the inscription “Here is buried the body of Arkhip Ivanovich Ivanov, scan. 10 Nov 1885” and “From the grateful children.” It is known that the merchant had three sons: Basil, Alex and Stephan. The last one consisted in the composition of the Board of Trustees of the Commission on the construction of the Cathedral, and in 1893 was chosen as the Manager of the local mutual credit societies. Ivanov occupied the position of the vowel (i.e. deputies) the local Duma in 1871 two “convocation” before 1879.

As reported in the Volgograd Diocese, Ivanov was one of the last buried in skorbjashchenskom cemetery (now here is the Komsomolskaya square and the city garden). During Soviet times, many of the gravestones were destroyed and put to the construction needs. But this one survived.

the Builders said that he would like to restore the monument. Then install it at the entrance to the chapel Uryupinsk Mother of God.