The UN predict a new temperature record on Earth

The world meteorological organization (WMO) anticipates that in the next five years on Earth will set a new temperature record. With such a forecast it made Wednesday in Geneva.

"a New global average temperature record is likely to be fixed in the next five years (2020-2024 years)" – the organization notes in a press release devoted to the celebrated annually on April 22, the International day of Mother Earth.

"the Forecasts say that the likely further increase in temperature, especially in high latitudes and on land, with a slower warming of the oceans", says the WMO.

Experts draw attention to the increasing "physical signs of climate change and the impact on the planet", which reached record levels over the past five years. As explained by the organization, "temperature is only one of the climatic indicators". Other indicators is the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, warming and increased ocean acidity, increased sea levels, and changing the mass balance of sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic. Currently "all indicators indicate to the acceleration of climate change over the past five years".

Emphasizes that pandemic diseases COVID-19 caused by a coronavirus, "may lead to a temporary reduction in greenhouse gas emissions". However, this decline does not mean that you no longer need a strong international community in climate protection.

"We must demonstrate the same resolve and unity in the fight against climate change, as in the fight against COVID-19", – said in connection with the International day of Mother Earth, the Secretary-General of WMO, petteri Taalas.

Through the concerted efforts of States "in the interest of health and well-being of mankind, not only in the coming weeks and months, but for generations to come". The head of WMO urged countries to strengthen the warning system of weather disasters.

The international day of Mother Earth was established at the 63rd session of the UN General Assembly in 2009.