He explained that the new payment is established the salary for the military position, and applies not only to officers. Moreover, if the military provided a 100 percent allowance, the warrant officers, sergeants and soldiers of its size even higher officer. So, warrant officers and sergeants can count on 110% of the salary for the position. And the 120 percent. “The allowance will affect more than 45 thousand soldiers. Its average size is 23 thousand rubles per month”, – said Shoigu.

the Minister reminded that before the start of the new academic year remains less month. Admission campaign in pre-University and higher military educational institutions is nearing completion. This year it was held in a remote format. About 10 thousand children admitted to the presidential cadet corps, Nakhimov and Suvorov military school, passed the entrance exams via video conferencing. “The experience remote testing and developed software will continue to be used for control of sections of knowledge without visiting educational organizations,” concluded Shoigu.

For recruitment into the military colleges have created special teams that are sent in almost all regions of the country. Professional have been selected more than 40 thousand boys and girls.

the students and pupils sit at their desks refreshed schools. According to the Minister, the preparation of their infrastructure is about to end. “Completing the arrangement of Tver and the North Caucasian Suvorov military schools in new funds, construction of a branch of the Nakhimov naval Academy in Kaliningrad. Their audience are equipped with the latest technology, and places to stay, recreation and sports will be the most comfortable and functional” – said Shoigu. Moreover, in all pre-University educational institutions of the defense Ministry for the first time will open the school by subject area, and students and the students will get the opportunity to study in related military specialties and specializations.

Separately at the meeting talked about the production prototype of the modernized strategic bomber Tu-95МСМ and the beginning of his preliminary and state tests. Shoigu said that the missile will be significantly updated avionics, powerplant and armament. This will allow to increase the combat efficiency of the machine and prolong the period of its operation.

Another issue for discussion was the safety of flights of aircraft of Armed forces. Its software is especially important in conditions when the troops arrive EN masse new and upgraded aircraft and helicopters. But pilots and crews pose increasingly difficult challenges, their work in the sky become even more intense.

the Minister also said, in the context of pandemic coronavirus trained to the VI Army international games to be held simultaneously with the International military-technical forum “ARMY”. Shoigu reminded that from 23 August to 5 September on the territory of five States and more than 160 teams from thirty countries will demonstrate their military training. The games will work “Club of fans”, cultural and historical modules, pass themed festivals and master classes.

the Guests and participants will be able to visit the main temple Armed forces historical and memorial complex “Road of memory” and the Museum under the open sky “Field of Victory”.

the Minister stressed that during the competitions will create the necessary conditions for the prevention of coronavirus infection. All contestants will take two-week quarantine and mandatory testing.