The state office of public Prosecutor was engaged in the work of Putins Troops

“the New laws directed against the opponents of the authorities”, – assured us skeptics and doubters when we adopted the “package Klishas” imposing punishment for detractors of the government and the distributors of unreliable information. And whiners confounded: under the gun fighters “fake news” taken the creativity of the most devoted supporters of the President “Putin’s Troops”. But now there is anxiety of a different kind: not we remain without the political elite, if the guardians of the law will continue to demonstrate such principles?

this History originates in the second half of March, when on YouTube has a video of “Putin’s Troops” under the title: “the Coronavirus and never will be!”.

For reference: they are “Groups” call themselves “informal social organization in support of Russian President Vladimir Putin.” Composed, they are, according to video reports about stocks, primarily from citizens not of a young age. Known after a series of attacks on the headquarters of the Krasnodar Alexei Navalny.

In this video politically active grandmother solemnly burn the picture, to symbolize the coronavirus. And send curses the United States and its President: “What did you do in the world?! No coronavirus, it’s all politics, invented by trump, America! All the countries turned upside down, but raised it a dollar!”

the Second part of “Marlezonskogo ballet” – placement of the roller and describing the situation of the text on the website of the Krasnoyarsk television company TVK. This story was presented to journalists as a fun thrash. But the Prosecutor General’s office did not appreciate the joke. However, the claim is somehow not the authors of the video, but only TCEs.

the Supervisory authority provided in the fact of publication of the act under article 13.15. CaO: the dissemination in the media or information and telecommunication networks “knowingly false public interest information” that creates the variety of threats to the state and people. The broadcaster faces a fine of up to half a million rubles.

Colleagues you can sincerely sympathize. But the incident carries and two pieces of good news. First, it clearly shows that the employees of the Prosecutor is today a lot of free time. Obviously with a large or even if the average load they would not be able to do this kind of “crimes”.

second, as mentioned above, the incident breaks the perception that the attention of law enforcement only attract fakes – or what they consider as such – spread by the opposition activists and other “irresponsible elements.” But it is important now to consolidate a breakthrough, to show that this is not an exception, not a system failure, but the rule. So now it will be with anyone who knocks the people off stride. Regardless of their rank, title, and b��lie merit.

If the Prosecutor intends to proceed in the future in such an uncompromising manner, many VIPs will soon have not very sweet. One of the obvious representatives of risk groups – Minister of the Eurasian economic Commission, a former presidential adviser Sergei Glazyev. Sergei Yuryevich also have an opinion about the nature of the pandemic, and he also does not hide it from others. And not walk as other around it.

“whatever happens, man-made – categorically said Glazyev, speaking some time ago on one of the capital channels. Since the coronavirus. Already, I think, you can invite biomedical engineers: they will tell you how it is synthesized. This can be done only one country that possesses a network of secret biological laboratories around the world. Including under our noses: in Ukraine, the Americans are experiencing the virus on our own, in fact, countrymen”.

According to the EEC Minister in the United States created not only COVID-19, but the virus Ebola and bird flu. The last one was “experiments in the formation of the targeted virus selective action”. The goal of these enemies of the human race – “the retention of world domination”. And the main targets – China and Russia.

In the same spirit expressed and a number of other veterans of Russian politics. For example, thinking aloud of the leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky: “it is Really a new type of influenza or a provocation? Who? USA! The Americans are afraid that they will not be able to overtake China or at least on a par to be.” And this is – Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist party Gennady Zyuganov: “I think the Americans we have it (the coronavirus. A. K.) planted. And now do not know what to do with it”.

if this is still possible with some stretch to qualify as “value judgment”, the famous story of the “Russophobic remarks” Madeleine Albright – is unfair, they say that the natural resources of Russia belong to her alone and that they should dispose of all of humanity, led by the United States, and it is definitely not carry. Pure, unadulterated fake. Meanwhile, the bulk of the regulars of the Russian polistena still strongly believes in the authenticity of pseudo-quotes. On the “citation” Albright caught even once by security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev.

Known even to the author of the fake. This General FSO (now retired) Boris Ratnikov, who said that the Russian intelligence services learned “to enter the consciousness of others” and able to “walk around the brain” the US President and his entourage. In General, information about the insidious plans of Washington were read with “thoughts” Secretary of state.

in Short, if TVK Krasnoyarsk deserves to be punished, to bring to responsibility such “feykometov” – God himself commanded. Come on, guys, burn! That shaking knees, lacking the spirit? Then reset all your “fake niznie” claim! Otherwise, a fake will be the Russian justice. There are, however, of the opinion that this misfortune had already happened. But this, of course, a value judgment.