Today, athletes often have to defend the sporting honour – and his country – not only in stadiums and arenas during international competitions, but also after – the process is complex and usually protracted legal battles. Such confrontation often occur after a competition, the results of which are contested.

Alas, foreign sports officials not always adhere to rules of fair play (fair play) when there are any sporty proceedings. So today, the Russian athletes sometimes have to fight even for the right to enter the field. And here they need legal support world-class specialists.

that is why on the initiative of the Director of the Institute of legislation and comparative law under the government of Russia academician Waist Khabrieva, the Institute opened the program “Sports law (Sports lawyer).” Moreover, this program will be Central to the country on the preparation of sports lawyers.

As repeatedly emphasized taliya khabrieva, the Institute keeps track of the most current legal trends and responds to contemporary challenges.

“Today we experience a distinct lack of specialists in sports law, while the demand for them is high, – said the Chairman of the Association of lawyers of Russia Vladimir Gruzdev. – In order to defend Russia’s interests in sports arenas, we need not only championship athletes, but also high professionalism of lawyers. The Institute of legislation and comparative law under the government of Russia is not just a leading governmental expert institutions on legal matters, but primarily scientific school, thoroughly studied the laws of different countries. Institute staff keep track of the current international legal trends. There is no doubt that the new master program is to train specialists in sports law, but of international professionals”.

by the Way, earlier in the Institute in the form of an online “round table” “the Sports lawyer: a new dimension of the legal profession”.

the programme Manager, the Chairman of the Commission on sports law of AYUR, Professor Sergey Alexeev noted that “sports lawyer” is a new direction for the legal profession.

the Trainees will learn, for example, a football law, Olympic law, procedures for the settlement of sports disputes, and more.

including the fight against crime in sports. How to prove that the match was contractual? A separate question: the rules of broadcasting. Now a lot of sites with illegal sports – whether it is necessary to block them?

In pnrpu will appear online master’s degree. Learn to design robots can ��Udet from the comfort of home.

– We offer students a master’s of the new generation, when people real-time listening to lectures, gets the advice of a teacher, but it all happens online – said associate Professor of the Department “Automatics and telemechanics”, Perm Polytechnic University Igor Bezukladnikov.

Especially under a new program created at the University lab for remote students perform practical tasks. It will have robots. Students from around the world will be able to get acquainted with new Perm IT-cluster.

Prepared by Alexey Trapeznikov