work has been Completed on the conservation of decorative elements and sculptures adorning the tower of the hotel “Beijing”. They passed under the control of the Department of cultural heritage of Moscow.

the complexity of the work, according to the head of the Agency, was the fact that they took place at the height of over 60 meters. The restorers carefully worked with each decorative element, while in hardwood forests. Special attention the master paid to maintaining the four sculptures defender, farmers, worker and teacher. Cleaned it from later layers of paint, repaired the cracks and chips, treated surface with a special compound. The same work was carried out with decorative panels.

specialists Also resulted in the order of masonry, restored the decorative plaster. Renovated water drainage system.

the building of the hotel “Beijing” was built in 1956 on the draft of Moscow’s chief architect Dmitry Chechulin on the corner of Bolshaya Sadovaya street and Gorky street (now Tverskaya). It has the status of an object of cultural heritage of regional value.

the Hotel was built in order to emphasize the friendly relations between the USSR and China, is part of interiors were made in the Chinese style, while the hotel itself worked for many years Moscow’s only restaurant where you can taste dishes of Asian cuisine.