The police will not let drink smoke and swear

In accordance with the Code of ethics and business conduct, employees of bodies of internal Affairs of Russia will be obliged to clearly and accurately Express their thoughts, and to eliminate from speech, foul language, follows from the draft order of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

As stated in the document, the police must respect and take into account national traditions and religious feelings of citizens, cultural and other peculiarities of various ethnic and social groups. Russian law enforcement agents are prescribed to behave decently, politely and kindly, causing the trust and respect of the people to the bodies of internal Affairs and a willingness to assist them.

Police officers are obliged to treat the citizens with sensitivity and attention, especially to the elderly, women, children, disabled persons and persons with disabilities.

The code introduces for employees of the interior Ministry ban on public gambling, drugs and psychotropic substances for non-medical purposes, and for drinking alcohol before and during the performance of official duties.

Currently the draft order is on the stage of public discussions, write “Izvestia”.

Recall that in March a former employee of law enforcement bodies have detained in Krasnodar.

It happened at a time when he had solicited a bribe from a local resident for allegedly promoting not to initiate criminal proceedings against him. During the arrest the attacker was wearing the uniform of a police officer.

The ex-COP asked the victim about 100 thousand rubles. It is known that the man had to bring on charges of drug possession.

27-year-old detainee had served in law enforcement from 2008 to 2019, according to “Ren TV”.