Several apartment buildings were built at the former Stellingen battlefield in Hamburg. At the beginning of May, the first tenants moved into their stylish new apartments. But after just two weeks, the new arrivals are causing the landlord’s displeasure.

It’s a sight that doesn’t fit in at all with the rest of the settlement: the first apartments in the pretty new construction project Stellinger Terrassen (Stellingen) have only just been moved into, and a huge mountain of rubbish is already piling up in front of the front door.

Moving boxes and packaging from furniture deliveries were carelessly dumped on a neighboring green area. The walk to the waste paper container was apparently too far for the new residents. The landlord had foreseen the problem and had a container set up specifically for the flood of boxes. But its capacities were exhausted at some point, in contrast to the throwaway rage of the newcomers.

“Someone threw their rubbish there,” Manfred Riemann sums up the situation. Riemann is spokesman for “HanseMerkur Grund Vermögens AG” (HMG), the owner of the new Stellinger Terrassen building project. On its website, the project advertises with the slogan “A home to feel good “. However, the current conditions on site suggest that some people may not feel at all safe in their new home.

The company has had apartment buildings built where the Stellingen battlefield used to be. According to HMG, three quarters of the 141 apartments in the modern red brick buildings have already been rented. The first occupancy of the apartments started on May 1st. But within just two weeks, a mountain of rubbish had formed on an adjacent green area. “A neighboring property,” as Riemann emphasizes. But it is obvious that the garbage comes from the newly moved-in tenants.

According to the spokesman, it was anticipated that the need for waste containers would be great at the beginning. That’s why special containers were set up in which residents can throw their rubbish. When they were full, they were picked up. But the throwing away continued merrily, but this time on the green space.

So-called underfloor containers were installed for the residential complex, i.e. garbage containers that store their contents underground. This space-saving solution has one disadvantage: its openings are quite small, and bulky waste such as cardboard and cardboard does not always fit in. The owner does not keep her own waste paper containers: “There are several collection points in the area that can be used.”

There are actually waste paper containers at Spannskamp, ​​Tierparkallee and Stellinger Steindamm. All just a few hundred meters from the facility. But for the new residents, it seems, the journey there was simply too far.

And now? New containers have already been ordered and the caretaker will remove the mountain, even if the area is not actually part of the property. In any case, the waste problem is a “one-off effect due to the many collections”. In the end, the question remains whether this anger was really necessary. And the realization that residents of chic neighborhoods are not necessarily cleaner than those of other neighborhoods.

By Daniel Dörffler

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The original for this article “Shortly after moving into a posh Hamburg estate, tenants cause discontent with a mountain of rubbish” comes from Mopo.