The nurse told about the last moments of dying from coronavirus

Journalist BBC News spoke to nurse in the intensive care unit of a London hospital which works with patients infected with novel coronavirus infection.

When the patient is connected to artificial lung ventilation (ALV), ceases to improve, the doctors may decide that he cannot be saved. Sometimes to turn off the ventilator for 42-year-old nurse Little Juanita (Juanita Nittla).

She told about one of such cases. She called the adult daughter of a dying patient and told her about the doctors. “I assured her that her mother is not suffering and appears calm, — says the nurse. Asked about the wishes and religious requirements of her mother.”

then Juanita turned off the beeps of medical monitors, drew the curtains around the bed, put the phone to your ear and the patient told her daughter that she has a few minutes to say good-bye to mother. The nurse then took the dying woman by the hand and turned off the vent. Five minutes later the patient died, without regaining consciousness.

“I Have nightmares, — said the nurse. — I can’t sleep. I’m afraid that too will become infected. Everyone is afraid.” In her case the situation is complicated by the fact that last year she was ill with tuberculosis. This increases the risk of death in case of infection coronavirus infection.

According to the latest data, April 21 in the world, discovered of 2.53 million cases of infection with novel coronavirus infection. From COVID-19 died 174,8 thousand people 667,6 thousands of people recovered. In the UK identified 129 thousand cases of infection, died of 17.3 thousand people.

Coronavirus infection is transmitted via small droplets that are emitted from the nose or mouth of the patient and settle on surrounding objects. The who recommends that you stay at least four feet away from infected people, regularly wash or decontaminate hands and don’t touch your mouth, nose and eyes.