the Invasion of huge jellyfish in the village Dolzhansky Yeysk area of Kuban scared tourists. Personnel from the coast, filled with sea animals, published portal TourDom.

told reporters As witnesses, certain species of jellyfish can reach up to 40 centimeters in diameter. This on the Azov sea, said the Russians, they “have not seen in my entire life.”

“Medusa, here we are in August, but not so many and not so big size. People say that large species came from the Black sea. Fortunately, they are completely harmless, do not sting, unlike their Mediterranean counterparts,” — said a resident of the town of Elena, noting that jellyfish on the beach “no one was hurt.”

Earlier it was reported that thousands of jellyfish compass with a poisonous sting captivated the public beaches in the UK. These jellyfish are dangerous to bathers, as from contact with human remains burns.