And for foreign citizens who left abroad before the closure and having a temporary residence permit, residence permit or the certificate of the participant of the state Program shall not include the period from 15 March to 15 September 2020 the validity of these documents.

In the press centre of MIA of Russia said that this period will not be accepted and decisions on cancellation of previously issued visas, temporary residence permits, residence permits, work permits, patents and certificates of the participant of the state Program of resettlement of compatriots, the deprivation of refugee status or temporary asylum.

But as of 16 June 2020 for implementation of labor activities of foreign citizens need a work permit or a patent with the corresponding payment of advance payments under the tax to incomes of physical persons, Foreign citizens have the right to apply for the issuance (extension, renewal) of work permit and patent whatever of entry. Work permits foreign nationals from “visa” countries will be issued with a validity until 15 September 2020.

These innovations introduced by the decree of the President of Russia from June 15, 2020 No. 392 “About modification of the presidential Decree of April 18, 2020 No. 274 “On temporary measures for settlement of the legal status of foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship in the Russian Federation in connection with the threat of further spread of the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19).”

the interior Ministry of Russia informed that the employer or customer of works within three working days after the conclusion of a foreign citizen’s labor or civil law contract are required to submit the relevant notification to the division of migration of the territorial body of the MIA of Russia.