Animal Scientists at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute have made a remarkable discovery that has been made in the middle of the tropical rainforest on Barro Colorado island in Panama, they found a half-male, half-female. A so-called gynandromorf.

in the left-hand side like a little man, with a long antenna at the front of the head, with a pointy mouth and a onbehaarde years. On the right side of the to again, the female elements of the shorter antenna, with a blunt point at the front of the mouth, and a hairy leg and a corn dog. Something that is just vrouwtjesbijen have. That, wrote the researchers in their study, which was published by the vakbladJournal or Largely to Research.

you can also Read a number of municipalities in our region are committed in order to have flowers to plant for bees, Gynandromorf, half-man, half-woman,

a Half-man, half-woman, so to say. Quite literally, then. When it belongs to the species, Megalopta amoenae, an already-described species. Only, it was never one of the apparently two of the genera, has been discovered. These organisms are gynandromorfen as organisms with both male and female characteristics.