This theme has become Central to the agenda of the head of the municipality, which took place on August 12 in the online mode.

the Adage “Prepare sleighs in summer, and in winter the cart” our Siberia with its climate and open spaces is particularly relevant. Housing and communal services for sibs is the backbone. How fast we will complete the summer maintenance campaign, whether in time will deliver fuel to remote settlements, comfort depends on a million residents, addressed the participants of the event the Governor Sergey Zhvachkin.

According to him, the repair of roads and landscaping there are noticeable changes – the situation becomes considerably better. You can not say about the repair and modernization of engineering networks. This problem from year to year becomes a challenge for consumers, public utilities and government.

among the major complaints that each year government and the residents present a resource-supplying organizations is a violation of terms of maintenance and shutdown on the already dug trenches for lack of work crews.

– resursnogo thousands of explanations, but I do not accept them, – said Sergey Zhvachkin. – It is clear that any repair inconvenience. People are willing to tolerate them, but only if you see that the repair goes, and know the exact timing of its completion.

Another issue mentioned by the Governor, the debt of the people of the region for the consumed energy. To ensure an uninterrupted work of housing and communal complex, consumers have time to pay the used resources, from electricity and heat, and ending with coal, fuel oil and gas.

– Many private companies during the epidemic of the coronavirus was in a difficult financial situation. We can understand them. But, as we see, the arrears for the consumed resources allow and budget of the organization. For me it’s an emergency, – said Sergey Zhvachkin.

In this regard, the head of the region instructed his Deputy, Alexander Fedenev and Igor Tolstonogov to analyze the situation and control. In turn, the head of the Tomsk municipalities shall within two weeks submit to the Governor schedules of repayment of debts of budgetary organizations located in their territories.

Utility companies and heads of municipalities must speed up the repair campaign in 2020, – said Sergey Zhvachkin.