the Amendments made to the Labour code, Civil procedure code and the Law “On physical culture and sport in the RF”. Laws publishes today “the Russian newspaper”.

“laws open the way for the creation in Russia of a specialized sports arbitration. Before this legislation was not allowed to be considered in courts of arbitration of labor disputes of athletes”, – said the Chairman of the Association of lawyers of Russia Vladimir Gruzdev.

He noted that the cost of dealing with disputes in international arbitration courts starts from 10 thousand euros, and the terms of the case not less than 8 months. The foreign judges are not always objective attitude to the Russian athletes.

“amendments to some legislative acts provide for the possibility of arbitration courts consideration of individual labour disputes of athletes and coaches in professional sport and high performance sport. In this case to sports arbitration, there are special requirements. The arbitrators shall have experience in professional sports as a coach, athlete or sports judge,” – said Vladimir Gruzdev.

we will Remind, the arbitration courts, they are arbitration institutions is a non – governmental organization addressing certain types of disputes with the consent of the parties. To open arbitration courts can only with nonprofit organizations.

Permission to open the court of arbitration by the government. According to experts, the establishment of a national sports arbitration is extremely important, the new court will help including to protect the rights of athletes. Today such disputes are being considered in the Russian courts of General jurisdiction or in the International court of arbitration for sport.

by the Way, Russia also began specialized training of lawyers for the protection of the rights of Russian athletes. The Institute of legislation and comparative law under the government of Russia has opened a new master’s program: “sports law (sports lawyer).” This program will be Central to the country on the preparation of sports lawyers. Participants will learn, for example, a football law, Olympic law, procedures for the settlement of sports disputes, and more.

the programme Manager, the Chairman of the Commission on sports law Association of lawyers of Russia, Professor Sergey Alekseev stressed that “the sports lawyer” is a new direction for the legal profession.

according to many experts, today we experience a distinct lack of specialists in sports law, while the demand for them is high. Suffice it to recall the problems associated with accusations of doping. In order to defend Russia’s interests in sports arenas, need vysokoprofessionaltional lawyers.