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60 miles out in the ocean on the coast of Helgeland lies the island Træna.

About 100 of the 400 residents are employed in the municipality. In a meeting in kriseledelsen Sunday, it was introduced a koronatiltak which probably is one of the nation’s strictest.

None of the employees of the municipality get to leave the three inhabited islands.

– Utreiseforbud applies up to 13. april. The alternative was to close the border completely. We ended up at a slightly less restrictive decision, ” says the chief councilor Liv-Hege Martinussen.

the Reason is utreiseforbudet is fear that koronasmitten to hit the island community.

the Fragile community

Several island municipalities in Nordland fear the collapse of society by any smittesituasjon. Now add the plans for the evacuation of residents.

Træna is Norway’s oldest fishing village.

Photo: Anna Eidem

– we are afraid of is that people traveling on easter holiday and come back with the infection.

it Was going to happen it will be able to frame Trænasamfunnet with only 400 inhabitants hard.

We are located far out at sea, and have no one who can come and help us. We don’t have police and private fire departments. We have one doctor, a few nurses, and more vulnerable, the elderly at the nursing home.

– If the supermarkets are closed, we have no access to food rather, add rådmannen.

She stresses that it may be given dispensation from the decision if it is most necessary to leave the municipality.

Preparing to evacuate

Træna has about 400 inhabitants. Island located about 60 kilometres offshore.

Photo: Hermann Aasnes Mindrum

Wyoming is 48. until now, the county with the fewest number of registered cases of koronaviruset.

on Monday, told NRK that the County governor of Nordland has had conversations with several mayors in the island community about masseevakuering, if an outbreak of koronaviruset were to occur.

– Now I do historical subject or scare anyone. But it is important for municipalities to plan for the worst. How are you going to evacuate? It is the discussion we have had with the municipalities, ” says the regional Tom Cato Karlsen, Nordland.

the Regional Tom Cato Karlsen, Nordland.

Photo: Benjamin Fredriksen / NRK

in Order to avoid such a scenario also pray kommuneledelsen all who are planning easter holiday, or visit to Træna about to drop on the trip.

– Serious intervention in the private life

Not all residents of The are just as excited for utreiseforbudet.

One of them is teacher Kristine Monsen, who is one of the approximately 100 municipal employees on the island. She believes kommuneledelsen goes too far.

I feel that the decision is quite restrictive in privatlivene to the people. It also applies only to one group in society. I had worked in the private sector, I would be running around as long as I followed the karantenevedtakene that apply.

Now I haven’t planned any trip to the mainland with the first. But I think municipal employees should be taken in confidence on equal footing with all other inhabitants in the municipality, ” says Kristine Monsen.

Photo: Private

Monsen also sits in the municipal council, but emphasises that she makes as a teacher.

She believes the decision is also some conceptual pages, and number of employees of the municipality have now the best their organizations to investigate the matter legally.

It is a paradox. I don’t know if it was so strictly during the second world war a time. We are adults. responsible people who know what time we live. Set on the tip we are degraded from the to be able to take responsibility for our own lives.

Now the issue becomes also advokatmat.

Utreiseforbudet is advokatmat

Linn Tjensvold is a lawyer in the employee Participate. She believes that day trips to nearby islands are not allowed to refuse the employees to leave the municipality.

– We are now working with a legal response to this measure from the municipality, ” she says.

Had utreiseforbudet only been current in the working hours, it would have been a regulation of the workplace, according to Participate.

I understand the need to protect themselves against infection. But when påleggene is necessary, they come from central hold, ” says attorney Linn Tjensvold in the Delta.

Photo: Eva Helene Storm Hansen / Torque Studio

– But this ban also goes beyond working hours and is meant to regulate the employees ‘ leisure time and where they will stay on their free time. It is stretching the elastic much too far. There, the employer has not allowed. There is a disproportionate intervention, and is not within the styringsretten.

Participate also believe prohibition creates an artificial distinction between municipal employees and all others who will not get the same order.

– the Municipality may impose restrictions and with the support of the smittevernloven. But it is something else. The municipality may not impose on its employees the restrictions, they do not impose on others who live in the municipality.

Tjensvold ask what kind of sanctions the municipality in that case to use.

– Should they terminate the employees who leave the municipality without prior consent? They should give them warning? It is unnatural that the employer shall instruct the employees, such restrictions.

Tjensvold states there are many municipalities that are over-zealous in the situation we find ourselves in.

– It is easy to take too much Møller’s cod liver oil a day. You are afraid and you choose to use the methods that bear the mark of that one is afraid. I think that it is the municipalities do now.

Photo: Jan Warberg

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