Valery Valeryevich as pandemic coronavirus influenced the mood of society in our country?

Valery Fedorov: the Main mood is alarm. Concern for the lives and their loved ones, the fear to become infected and to infect others. Is the dominant feeling. Moreover, we can predict that as soon as the anxiety will begin to decline, its place in short time will take the joy and enthusiasm that we are finally released to the street. But then we get into a longer phase of anxiety on another occasion – about the economy, our income, prices, jobs, prospects.

what has changed sentiment to the introduction of measures of isolation and what has changed now?

Valery Fedorov: just four months our society lived through a whole range of feelings. The end of 2019 is depression, sadness, lack of faith in some kind of perspective. January – a surge of positive emotions, hopes, caused primarily by a very strong President’s Message, program support demographics and other social measures, and then the change of government. February – the focus has shifted to amendments to the Constitution. As the unfolding of the discussion, the emergence of new initiatives, people are increasingly involved in the political debate. And in March coronavirus from distant China suddenly becomes a threat here and now. The blink of an eye and we are already sitting in isolation. April – very busy, constantly watch the news, do bi-directional data signals. We are torn between the desire to quickly break free and fear, and discipline that we are required to comply with physicians and authority. Today we are on such a banner and stand. Waiting each time for the President to say how are we going to live when this is all over, and what comes after.

You mentioned the amendments to the Constitution, how changed the attitude of Russians to him after the country emerged coronavirus?

Valery Fedorov: it is Now the opinion was formed. Let me remind you, first, there was a broad discussion about the meaning and content of the amendments, at different levels – in Parliament, in a specially created working group, in a variety of public organizations, on the Internet. The debate was over, from the entire set of amendments, the President has chosen those that the Duma passed and the Federation Council approved. The society offered a choice – for or against? People are basically already decided: the majority – for. But then… have a pandemic! Thus, the opinion on the amendment was formed, but its implementation through the vote delayed.

When the isolation will end, of course, it is the opinion of several will be corrected. Why adjust? Because, in fact, such choice: or, or against the President’s policies. There are to��on for the President will vote in any situation, and there are those who are double-minded and ready to change their opinion depending on the results of his policies. Now this policy passes the test of pandemic. Depending on how quiet and safe, with the least amount of casualties we get through this period of change or no opinion on the amendments to the Constitution that the vibrating part of the voters. They will be determined closer to the date of the vote, maybe even in the polling day itself. A lot of them? About a quarter of the total electorate. The majority have already decided and it is unlikely their opinion will change.

If we talk about the essence of the amendments, as there are preferences?

Valery Fedorov: was the amendment that consolidates society, and was amended, splitting it. For example, the amendment that mentions God, has caused part of the society’s objections. Everyone has their own idea about how God should be mentioned somewhere, and whether it even mention… it was a Lot of debate about the priority of the Constitution over international laws and agreements that Russia signed. Here, too, we observed, roughly speaking, two camps – the patriots and globalists.

But most of the amendments, which entered the top of those who I called consolidation relate to two major themes. The first is our social rights and guarantees which the government gives us. The second vector is all to do with our national sovereignty, national pride. Russia rose from his knees for a long time, and our place in the world, our independence, our ability to pursue an independent policy are the most important value for Russians, regardless of the differences of their beliefs on other issues. Therefore, to conduct negotiations for the alienation of any part of the national territory, to fight for the historical truth is considered a very right and important, competes in importance only amendment that guarantees our rights.

But in society the subject of amendments still inferior to the pandemic?

Valery Fedorov: , the Pandemic is beginning to bore people. More than enough information. More than 80% think we already talked about the pandemic all that is possible. Increasing gradually the proportion of those who said that information is already too much. This all suggests that the pandemic has “sold poorly”. It’s hard to think about the bad, the over – spring on the street. All the rest, household chores you’ve done, books read, movies reviewed, fighting, and truce – all enough time on the street! And on the street-that is impossible… And start snot and screams. After all, to violate the prescribed limitations means be subject to sanctions and in some cases painful. Or, maybe, to expose yourself, and hence yourx family in danger. This fear will not go away. He now acts as the major motivator of our behavior. Russia is behaving quite responsibly in a pandemic, but is already beginning to tire. So wait and hope that our disciplined behavior, our sitting at home has for more than a month will bear fruit and we shall soon be released.

speaking of discipline – as perceived by the decision of the authorities to combat COVID-19?

Valery Fedorov: there Is a big debate on the Internet and social networks. But the majority – at the level of two-thirds and more – support all major decisions on this matter. I see several reasons for this: first, scared second, people see that it is not our kind of innovation is already pervasive practice all over the world, everywhere, where they value people’s lives.

the Third factor is confidence in the President. In a situation of fear, in a situation of occurrence of this terminal threat, threat of life and existence, of course, want to have someone who you can trust, on whom you can rely, whom we can hope. When your ship is caught in a storm, and you are a helpless passenger, you will be better at the helm is an experienced, reliable captain. This rule works in America – ranking trump rose to a maximum for all three years of his reign; it works in France, where the macron, a lot lost in the conflict with the “yellow jackets”, have returned to their normal positions. It works in Russia – the President much more often than before, literally every week, addresses the nation, telling, convincing, encouraging. This reinforces the rating of the President. But more importantly, it stimulates people to accept limitations as a necessary, albeit not favorite, the measures for safety and for security of life.

As it is now perceived what will happen after? As people see postpandemic? Do they think about it?

Valery Fedorov: Here, the hope mingled with fear, a complex range of feelings. The hope is that worse than the pandemic already and there is nothing, accordingly, when it ends, it will be better. We seem to be the most painful is those limitations that we experience today, limit mobility, destroying our lifestyle. But when they are removed, and it will happen sooner or later, we will begin to grumble, cry and complain about other issues, primarily economic. Almost all of us have personal experience of crisis and know that in times like this, Russia can not remain a “safe haven”. We always hit and gets hurt Everyone understands that this time will hit. So life after coronavirus will be! But it will be life, to put it mildly, difficult.

How polls work in terms of a pandemic, how are the interviews?

Valery Fedorov: there is more Work. Our main customer – the state. It bears the main burden, the burden of combating coronavirus. The government needs to know more about what is happening to accurately weigh their decisions. In this regard, public opinion surveys – an invaluable source of information for making any kind of decisions in a situation of a pandemic. The main type of survey – telephone, partly online survey, online, and with them no problems. It is very important that we can give prompt information in time – this is helped by our unique research tool “polls-Sputnik”, which analogues in Russia. It is a daily national representative survey of the population.

All our colleagues in the call centers operate with twice the power. He VTSIOM, like other companies, in isolation, on remote. In General it’s a good idea, because most of our employees – analysts, they work in the office rather contraindicated, they need privacy and the ability to think freely. So, preparing to the time after the pandemic, we certainly already understand that to return to the past all will not, can not and do not want. Our work becomes more geographically distributed, but I think this is going to much effort, not lose.

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Jennifer Alvarez is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.