The fines violators isolation needs to go to help the victims of the crisis

due to the coronavirus that causes many residents to lose their jobs. Or lose and continue to work, but they are no longer accrue salary. Or accrued, but less than before. Therefore, they do not have enough not life.

of Course, everyone understands that it’s not forever. The pandemic will end, the economy will begin to rise, they will again be in demand. But when will it happen? If they can survive until better times?

no Answer. People are scared.

Now, there are still some savings, they are not starving. But they are very disturbing. They fear that not to be missed for food and have to beg. They will not be able to pay for the rented apartment and will be on the street.

Such people now should definitely help.

this is not difficult. You just have to give them money. Free. Not very big, just enough to live – food, medicine and communal.

Where to get them?

we Have a good reserve.

From April 1, in Moscow, introduced fines for violation of the regime of self-isolation.

those Fines are very large and they are well collected. As I said yesterday the head of the Main control Directorate of the capital Yevgeny Danchikov, in just five days, since last weekend, police in Moscow amounted to 12 thousand protocols on violation of the regime of isolation to the total amount of fines more than 50 million.

And only yesterday the police reported 2 thousand protocols is approximately ten million. A lot of money.

They have to give now to people who are in a difficult situation.

All fines for violation of the regime should go into a separate account. Dispose can the Department of labor and employment.

Now lost their jobs Moscow residents receive increased unemployment benefits 19.5 thousand rubles. But if they continue to be employed, any benefits they should not. As a bankrupt individual entrepreneurs, self-employed, students, pensioners and professionals who lost their jobs they were fed.

Between such people and the need to distribute all the collected fines. It will be fair and humanly right.

And fined Muscovites will know where their money went. And they will not hurt.

Because when it comes to payment system to 15 thousand rubles for the fact that you moved away from home for three hundred meters and in the school yard was tightened on the bar, want to howl.

But if you know that your 15 thousand will save someone from poverty, and he’s not going to steal products in the shops and open flats, to relive their loss all the same somehow easier. Also very sad, of course. But not enough to weep.