If Ronaldinho says that, it says two things: first, to divine what about spot’s, and with a great grin on his face. However, the teeth are smiling, the 40-year-old cultvoetballer for a while now, not now that he’s been in three weeks, stuck in a jail in Paraguay.

Ronaldinho, it was just two weeks ago, held in the capital city of Asuncion. He had gone to Berlin to be patient, to have a book to promote. When the police appeared in the hotel room and searched for where he and his brother, Roberto, had found them in the fake passports. A judge decided that the Golden Ball in 2005, then to stick to it.

by the End of 2018, had Ronaldinho been a passport to return. That is, he was, at the time, to be administered by the state court. The ex-striker of FC Barcelona and AC Milan, had, indeed, a fine of 2.25 million euros, to be open following a conviction for a serious bouwovertreding in a protected nature reserve.

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“He is very sad and totally unhappy at the moment,” said Nelson Cuevas, who is Ronaldinho came. “The prison in which he is, is very primitive and is in no way a luxury. Be a positive vibe , it is no longer necessary. The smile on his features, was completely destroyed.”

“His brother, Roberto, had been out of contact with the people in France, which is a very bad man. They have Ronaldinho to be induced to have a false passport to enter the country. He has been a victim of this crime, because he did not understand what was going on. The Paraguyaanse authorities”, what it sounds like.

Ronaldinho and his brother is looking at a prison sentence of up to six months.

SEE ALSO. Ronaldinho plays the game of football and in jail… and get a foothold in a total of 11 goals