what if the mode of isolation will end with the loss of a job? This question in the current environment are asking. Discussed the evolving situation and at the Moscow international education fair, held for the first time this week online. How to operate the newly unemployed and what profession to choose for re-training, together with leading experts to understand “MK”.

Along with health human coronavirus pandemic hit and the health of the economy. According to the head of the Ministry of labor Anton Kotyakova, while in Russia there are about 3.7 million unemployed. However, the Ministry has calculated a scenario where at the end of the regime of self-isolation, their number could rise to 5-6 million.

Employment in the companies, according to experts, already chilled by 80-90%. A significant decline in, for example, is in the advertising business. But are actively looking to recruit couriers with own transport, packers, workers in warehouses. Demand and experts call centers. And the main requirement for all one thing: professionals should be competent in the use of it-technologies, experts warn. This — the first thing to keep in mind those who will seek employment.

a Special risk group now — young people. This is the second lesson of the pandemic. “We can now predict that the indicators of the youth labour market will be much lower compared to April 2019,” warns Headhunter specializing in the youth area, Irina Swatiska. In March 2020, one vacancy claimed averaged 14.5 young professionals. Only the demand for couriers has grown by 400% in Moscow and by 136% in Russia as a whole. Under increased demand for retailers, logistics specialists and in the sphere of online services.

but in the next 1.5 years, according to the National Association of qualifications development (NARK), employers will have to wait for specialists with elite qualifications in the field of engineering, rocket science, information technologies.

In General, when choosing a profession for retraining is important to consider several factors shared with the “MK” Manager employment Rita Golovko

– first, a profession or a skill needs to have practical value. Choose what you will be able to apply at work. For example, for developers, this can be a course on algorithms and data structures for Analytics visualization tools. Second, the training should help to pump your skills are strong or close black holes in qualifying.

third, the market increasingly valued professionals who are able to optimize the manual labor and automate current processes. Well, to find a suitable profession for retraining, you need to analyze your skills and successes, the situation on the labour market and to determine the direction where the interesting work and developXia.

the Procedure for finding work, according to the expert, might be:

– Analyze your strong and weak skills and focus on what you like to do and good at it. Now demanded is not a specific specialty, and a skill set that will allow to solve tasks.

– Identify for yourself the areas where you like to work. The ideal option is to change jobs within the same sector. For example, you worked as a consultant on banking products and decided to go into Analytics. Banks will consider your experience as an advantage over other professionals.

– Examine the situation on the labour market: view the number of vacancies on sites-aggregators and social networks. If you have friends in the field that interests you, ask them about the hiring of employees and expectations. This point is particularly relevant for those who live in the regions and has no plans to move anywhere. If you choose a profession that is not popular in your city, there is a risk that the job search will be delayed or even to anything do not lead.

– Create a portfolio and write accomplishments in past jobs that are applicable to the new profession. For example, you want to become a data analyst, and previously worked as a sales Manager, tell us how structured the sales statistics and thus found a way to increase.

– don’t be afraid to turn to outside experts. It can be career counselors, recruiters, and professionals who are already working in your chosen profession. They talk about difficulties at work, the disadvantages of the profession and to share their own experiences of career development.

And last but not least. Don’t lose your wits about you and do your worst. Don’t be afraid to study and in parallel look for a job: success always for the most active!

a few More tips from the experts.

“How to choose a profession for retraining?”

Spread your current knowledge and competences, analyzed, try on the experts, choose the job with the prospect of 5 years. Will show you an example: I worked a lot with numbers in accounting — you can try to try on the profession of the analyst. Were engaged in consultations in the salon on sale of cars can be look in the direction of marketing etc.

“it makes sense to study now?”

All about the digitalization of their skills: for example, data scientist, programming is a skill that will be in demand in any profession associated with digital services. And versatile skills — knowledge of English and work in a remote command.