According to the Federal law “On education in the Russian Federation” General education can be obtained at the school, and outside – in family form or in the form of self-education. In order to put the baby in the family education, parents are informed about its choice of the local authority for the area. This can be done during the school year. Additionally it is advisable to apply in the educational organization. In the future, the child has the right to continue education in any other form and in any stage of training, including back to school. By law, admission to a state or municipal educational institution may be refused only by reason of lack of available seats. In this case, to decide on the placement of a child in another school, parents should apply directly to the Executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation or local government exercising administration in education sphere.

the choice private online schools, as well as to any questions of upbringing and education of a child must be approached responsibly. For many parents, an important factor is the availability of the license for conducting educational activities. This document is issued by bodies on control and supervision in the sphere of education, its preparation is a long and complicated process. Only the consideration of documents and making decision on the license issuance or refusal may take one month. And before that, organizations need to prepare logistical support in accordance with the requirements of educational standards, private educational programs, educational and informational resources if needed – to create the teaching staff.

If the educational license of the interest of the school, you can try to verify the availability of the required resources themselves. For example, ask about the composition of the teaching staff and their qualifications, assess educational programs, educational materials, learn, attached to child’s personal adviser who will be able to solve problems using the platform, performing tasks, watching video lessons. You can also learn the history of the organization, to determine whether the school received any awards, whether involved teachers in scientific conferences, educational forums, to communicate with students and their parents. In March of this year the Ministry of education has compiled a list of recommended online platforms for distance learning, which provided free access to educational content. This list includes the “Russian school”, “Moscow e-school”, “Yandex.The Tutorial,” and others.

some growth of inter��and distance learning we have seen already. It will not be explosive: most parents and kids still tired from the sudden outbreak for the country, “udalenka”. And technical capabilities to fully online learning is not for every family. The survey, conducted in April 2020 onf and the Fund “National resources education”, among 2.7 thousand students from 13 to 18 years, 77% of guys said the increased volume of tasks for independent work, and 49% increased fatigue. For 65% of the students still in the course of face-to-face classes easier to remember and understand new material. But 21% of children in the new learning mode saw new opportunities for themselves, it was interesting to try to study differently. A third of respondents considered that remotely they are learning as productively as in school, 27% are sure that the exams you can successfully prepare and remotely. Almost a quarter of pupils expressed desire to study remotely and on, from books or online.

For adults in the period of the pandemic there was a question of motivation of children to study at home: 62% of 2.4 thousand of the surveyed parents noted its decline, the increase is only 9%. More than half (54%) of respondents helped children do homework, every second checking his execution. Slightly less than half of parents (48%) are forced to explain to children some of the topics from the program. Four out of ten respondents are convinced that distance education leads to a decrease in the level of knowledge.

At the same time, according to 9% of parents, with the right combination of online platforms a child can be given better education than the school, 5% believe that distance education is the quality is not inferior to full-time, yet the same, that trying distance learning, many parents do not want at the end of the quarantine to return children to school. Some families really started to think about the temporary or permanent transfer of the child to family learning and the use of online schools. But for most parents, distance learning is an additional learning resource and exam preparation.