Alexander Vampilov is one of the most important Soviet writers of the 1970s. the Performances of his plays to this day remain in the repertory, and with them we create new plays — and they look nothing like the tribute to history, as modern statements. They are not Soviet ideology, and their heroes — ordinary people live.

In the capital of the plays by Alexander Vampilov began to put after the legendary performance of the Theatre named after M. N. Yermolova “Eldest son”. The playwright attended every rehearsal and waited for the premiere, but it was not destined to see the production — Vampilov tragically died shortly before the first show.

1972. Guests of the Yermolova Theatre taking their seats in anticipation of the premiere of the play “the Eldest son”, the artists behind the scenes are preparing to leave, the Director Gennady Kosykov barely contained excitement. Experiencing and literary Manager of the theatre Elena Yakushkina, it has insisted that the play of the young brave of the playwright Vampilov was finally seen by the audience.

Exhale they can only when you will hear applause. Soon the “Elder son” called one of the brightest events in the cultural life of Moscow in 1972.

On the background scenery depicting the interior of an ordinary Soviet apartment, played out the family drama: to the musician Andrei Sarafanov, alone raising a son, Bob and daughter Nina of the night came a strange young man with a friend and had an illegitimate son that sundresses are not suspected. In fact, more prosaically, to the young people, late autumn evening on the train, there was nowhere to spend the night in an unfamiliar city, and they decided to try their luck in the first house.

the Show played two compositions: the role of the son of the pretender Vladimir Busygin shared the famous actor Viktor Pavlov and Sergei Priselkov, the role of Vereniki Sarafanov was performed by Alexey Zharkov and Georgiy Nazarenko (he’s in another part played and Silva, other Busygina), Nina Natalia Gromova and Alexander Nazarov. And only the father of family Andrey Sarafanov played by one actor — Yuri Medvedev. The audience loved him and knew the paintings “my Volcano”, “Sasha Sasha”, “Sleepless night”, “my man” and others.

“the Play is not suitable for the Soviet audience”, “the Soviet people may not behave immoral like Gagarin”, “Busygin — worthy example” — these and many other arguments and then heard the main Director of theatre Vladimir Andreev, Director Gennady Kosyukov and literary Manager Elena Yakushkina. But they decided to take the risk.

In the mid-1960s, the budding of the Irkutsk playwright Alexander Vampilov knew in his hometown, but he didn’t let go of the idea of capital. Once he arrived in Moscow for a seminar of young playwrights. Suddenly someone from famous Directors are interested in his work, put his plays��? He met Elena Yakushkina him much about her, told, recommended as a person kind, understanding, able to discern the talents. Yakushkina was a member of the writers ‘ Union, translated from French and German. At the time they met, she worked in the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

Vampilov brought her own plays, she promised to read — and kept his word. Moreover — I realized that this ambitious, but very kind young man a great future, and his works have the potential to become a new classic.

One of the oldest. How does Theatre named after M. N. Yermolova

Soon Elena Yakushkina went to work in the Ermolova Theatre, and Alexander Vampilov entered the Higher literary courses at the literary Institute in Moscow. They were friends, and Vampilov often brought her to read their new plays. Particularly she was impressed with “Farewell in June” on the bully Kolesov and his moral temptation. Yakushkina tried to get performances, but nothing came of it — she replied that pessimistic is not a play for the theater. In 1966, the Director of klaipėda drama theatre Povilas Gaidis took the play, and then she happily picked up in Vologda, Grozny and other cities. It’s a little comforting playwright who dreamed of recognizing in the capital.

at the same time Alexander Vampilov wrote “Eldest son”, then — “Duck hunting” and “Provincial jokes”. None was approved for production in Moscow. Vampilov was worried Yakushkina — more lost such talented lyrics! Meanwhile, the “Eldest son” was put in the Irkutsk drama theatre and Moscow persisted — what’s the play, which begins with deception from the mouth of the hero?! But the main Director Vladimir Andreev work is like, and in the same 1969 it was already started rehearsals. Found out about it in the Ministry of culture and immediately summoned the entire management of the theatre. The scandal was great. About the play for some time had forgotten. Yakushkina used all his connections, did all the legwork. And his made — in 1972.

However, before the premiere did not live a playwright — he died shortly before her. Vampilov was waiting for her and attended almost all the rehearsals.

Vladimir Andreev has fully supported Yakushkino that Vampilov need to put. After the “Eldest son” in the repertoire of the Theater named Yermolova, who became a pioneer playwright in the capital, there are performances “Last summer in Chulimsk”, “Coincidence” and “Duck hunt”.

three years later with the “Eldest son” met the whole country. The two-part film by Vitaly Melnikov, have shown on television.

Sarafanov Sr. played Yevgeny Leonov. In the role of hapless good-natured musician it fit perfectly, said that’s his favorite character for his entire career. The actor has dedicated this work to his son Andrew, who could not devote much time due to frequent tours. So in a way Sarafanov he brought his remorse and paternal love.

Busygina played Nikolai Karachentsov. It was his first success and victory in the cinema, due to this character of the artist began to learn on the streets. Resilient and Silva played Mikhail Boyarsky. As for Karachentsova, the picture opened the way to a great movie.

In 1976, the “Eldest son” was awarded the XIII International festival of TV films in Prague, the film won the prize for best screenplay.