COVID-19 presents more and more surprises by its consequences. Now the doctors say about the surge in psychiatric disorders following coronavirus infection and have not had it. Anxiety disorders, panic attacks and even attempts to take one’s own life became the new “side effects” of a recent infection. In addition, the growing popularity of the once rare disease, which is called “broken heart syndrome” or stress cardiomyopathy.

where broken hearts

the List COVID growing like a snowball. Today, scientists say with confidence that in addition to the changes in the lungs, coronavirus can cause thrombotic complications, myocardial dysfunction and arrhythmia, acute coronary syndromes, acute kidney injury, gastrointestinal symptoms, hyperglycemia, ketosis, vasculitis and neurological disorders, eye damage and skin.

“the Virus not only performs its direct “duties”, affecting the organs and tissues, but also indirectly, associated with fear, anxiety, that is, with stress.

With the fear that the indirect losses from the coronavirus can be no less, – said a senior researcher at CCB, RAS, oncologist Sergei Kazaap. For example, stress cardiomyopathy in darowizny era were relatively rare disease. As a result of organizational measures to overcome the epidemic, this is the cardiomyopathy may occupy a higher rung in the hierarchy of human diseases.”

this has already been stated by the American researchers, who published their findings in the authoritative medical journal JAMA Network Open. According to them, on the background of the pandemic doctors significantly more often began to deal with “broken heart syndrome”.

this is a relatively rare until recently the disease damaging the heart. With him on the background of acute emotional stress dramatically reduces the ability of the heart muscle to pump blood. Manifestations of the disease are similar to symptoms of a heart attack. However, people usually recover in a few days or weeks. However, sometimes the heart muscle can not withstand the load, and it ends in death.

researchers have estimated the number of patients of cardiological pathology in two hospitals of Ohio. Scientists from the Cleveland clinic (Cleveland Clinic) compared the statistics for spring 2020, with the figures of the previous two years. The study reviewed the medical history of almost 2 thousand patients. According to them, the prevalence of “broken heart syndrome” during a pandemic, increased about twice. While stress cardiomyopathy has become much more common to meet people who are not infected with coronavirus. Scientists believe that the cause of the rise in the incidence of one hundred��about the increase in the pressure of stress factors – psychological, economic, social.

As noted by the study’s lead author, Dr. Ankur Kalra, the pandemic has created accompanying an unhealthy environment: “Emotional distancing – an unhealthy phenomenon. Economic pressure affects health. We see an increasing number coronavirus deaths, and our research says that stress cardiomyopathy is aggravated by the stress created by the pandemic.”

“it is Obvious that the number of people needing anti stress activities and funds can be larger than the number of people infected this infection. Because in addition to cardiomyopathy, stress can be the cause of many diseases. Stress is much more dangerous plague than with the coronavirus,” warns Dr. Kazaap.

don’t panic

.”I moved COVID mild, but after three months, suddenly appeared terrible weakness, fevers and heart jumping out of my ears, from the slightest walk,” says Muscovite Alexey P.

it tells the doctor of the Moscow cavalaria at the First City hospital Basil Kuprejčik, it increasingly sees social networks complaints of survivors of COVID: “What in their complaints just is not: and the fevers, and numbness, and bouts of sweating/fear/tachycardia, incessant weakness, diarrhea/constipation, feeling the burning of the body. In General, everything you can imagine will be found. Patients together in the chat rooms and community, pulled friends in search of doctors hoping to get some help. And no help. Medicine satchels only on acute cases. However, more than half of all these complaints is well explained by the anxiety-depressive episode, a reaction to acute stress. Doctors call it by the term “post-traumatic stress disorder.” On this subject in the world there are already several studies”.

Israeli doctors described in European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine is the story of 34-year-old patient who was admitted to inpatient treatment for coronavirus infection, which proceeded from him relatively easily. During his hospitalization he did not have respiratory illness or fever, however, he complained of anxiety and insomnia. Despite supportive therapy, on the 7th day of hospitalization, he made an attempt of settling accounts with life. The authors noted that patients infected with mers may experience fear of disease, concern for the welfare of friends and family. All these emotions can be exacerbated by fever, shortness of breath and weakness, as well as adverse effects of therapy. Studies conducted after the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003 and the outbreak of Ebola in 2014TACs showed a very high level of psychological stress among those who were quarantined. Some were hospitalized tried to commit suicide. The authors of the study recommended to pay attention to the mental health of patients with COVID.

in addition, in the journal JAMA, has released another publication of the Italian writers who, from April 21-may 29, watched the 143 patients who have undergone kovid. After 60 days from the start of the first symptoms (36 days after discharge), only 18 of the 143 patients (12,6%) completely got rid of the symptoms. In 46 (32%) remained 1-2 symptom and 79 (55%) 3 and more. The deterioration in quality of life were noted in 63 patients (44.1%) people. Here are the symptoms of frequency: weakness (53,1%), dyspnea (43.2 per cent), joint pain (27.3%), chest pain (21.7%), and cough, loss of smell, dry eyes and mouth, runny nose, red eyes, taste disturbance, headache, phlegm, loss of appetite, sore throat, dizziness, muscle pain, diarrhea.

Dr. Kupreychik notes that the study is, of course, a lot of questions: what were you treating these patients, what they had chronic disease, etc. However, he believes that the analysis of the data it would be nice to connect and psychiatrists to assess how much of the above – psychogenic disorder. Anesthesiologist Anton Loboda suggests that most of these patients to the coronavirus had subclinical anxiety and (or) depression and self-isolation and news about it brought out these disorders to a new level: “we do patients anxiety disorder for the disease is not considered until it finally will not drain”.

However, other doctors say that panic attacks after COVID began to arise even among those who before the disease do not suffer anxiety disorders, and the coronavirus that causes chickenpox in the form of light. In particular, the officers who passed the tests from psychologists.

Elena Sikorskaya, therapist emerging from COVID, writes in social media that before the infection, she had no anxiety: “This state never before have I had. By far, the virus is neurotropic, and the recovery period is very long. Odors gone in my life. The brain works in a power saving mode. And there was fear. Clearly there are manifestations encephalopathies. Can not get out of 2.5 months”.

“Based on the latest research, COVID causes serious neurological impairment, even in patients with lung disease. I think the doctors will have for years to clean up the consequences,” – said the doctor Ekaterina Evchenko.

first and foremost, neurological disorders, and pochkovidnye strokes and heart attacks developing in those who did not receive during treatment with anticoagulants. “COVID much we will learn. The world will never be the same,” says Vasey��iy Kuprejčik.

Read also: “antibodies against the coronavirus can cause severe re-infection”