a Noisy open-plan offices, disruptive colleagues and bosses, looking a little too much over the shoulder.

As the prime minister Mette Frederiksen on Wednesday, 9. march closed large parts of Denmark down, disappeared on reality from one moment to another, and in many places it will not return.

How does it sound from two prominent business people.

Jacob Riisgaard, the owner of Coolshop, serieinvestor and lion in the tv programme ‘Lion’s den’, in his own business and saw how the coronakrisen have turned up and down, how he and the employees perform their jobs.

“the Technology has proved its worth, and we have almost been pushed 10 years back in time. I’m impressed by how efficient and productive the employees are now, where they are working from home. Technology makes, that I quite easily can measure the efficiency of the employees,” he says, and adds:

“When you’ve got furnished some decent home offices, and there is discipline and structure at work, so I must only say: Fuck, my staff has been effective. I’ve just sent a package home to all with vouchers for food and drink and to Sinful.dk (erotic toys, red.), so they can buy something naughty. I’m so impressed.”

Coronakrisen have opened Jacob Riisgaards eyes to see that the best employee is not necessarily the one who dutifully show up at the office five days a week.

in the Future he will therefore expand the workforce with employees who live further away from the head office.

“It is more important to have the right employee, which might just come past the office two-three times a month. It means that I can recruit much wider and get hold of the talents.”

Although he has dropped køreturene from Vendsyssel, where he lives, to the board of directors meetings in other parts of the country.

“Before coronakrisen there was maybe an idea and a tradition, that one was more present, if you met the physical up to a meeting. But today I have kept seven video meetings (within at 13.15, red. ). I would never be able to, if I was going to meet physically up. At the same time is videomøderne much more efficient, because it skips the fucking small talk over.”

Mik Strøyberg, founder and owner of office-platformsvirksomheden Good Monday, think that coronakrisen has made it crystal clear that all the knowledge workers in the future must and will work more from home.

“We are going to organise ourselves differently in the workplace after coronakrisen. The office will still be a focal point, where management sets the direction for the company’s dna, and employees thoughts up socially and share knowledge,” he says.

“But the employees will to a far greater extent start to work from home, because the management under the coronakrisen have discovered that they can have confidence that the employees can and are productive when they have peace and quiet to work at home. The kind of trust-based management we will see much more of after coronakrisen,” he says.

In his own company with 40 employees have taken the advances of the future, ” says Mik Strøyberg.

Here we meet the employees into the office, when it makes sense.

“My employees do rather than want to stay at home for one, two or three days a week, if it makes them happier and more productive people,” he says.

“the Companies will use the offices to show who they are. But the idea of meeting at 8 o’clock and go home at 16, is dead.”

Arbejdsmarkedsforsker and an associate professor at Aarhus University Tobias Otterbring was last year behind a major research project, which investigated how the open-plan offices affect employees.

the Conclusion was clear:

Employees in the open open-plan offices were less happy about their work and thrived in general worse than employees in smaller offices or enkeltmandskontorer.

at the same time experienced employees in open-plan offices, that they cooperated poorly with colleagues.

Reason: They were often disturbed and resigned, therefore, in itself to be able stay focused.