Coach Olga Shtyrenko conducts classes for gymnasts online.

− In any sport a break in the training process dramatically throws athletes ago − tells volgogradka. – So train the girls remotely. Of course, look at the kind of girls living conditions: over a sofa the Mace high will not start.

At home doing and Volgograd boxers. Two-time winner of the Championships of the southern Federal district Mount Khachatryan help siblings in a private house, they organized a small sports area where daily exercise classes.

the country instead of trainers how to carry out quarantine volgograd athletes 1Photos: personal archive of athletes.

− Home jump rope, do crunches, says Gor Khachatryan. − Work with the brothers on “legs” and don’t forget about running in the area.

Players Volgograd “Caustic” is not going to workout since March 27, but use every opportunity to maintain fitness. As told the left winger Nikita Gugkaev, exercise equipment at home had not, but there is a suburban area, where you can also keep yourself in good shape.

− From a few hours with a shovel in the country use no less than after training in the hall − says handball player. Good weight for all muscle groups, and the benefits for the family are obvious.

the country instead of trainers how to carry out quarantine volgograd athletes 2Photos: personal archive of athletes.