“We have crisis and use the opportunity to make our society better,” and that the said CD&V-president, mr Joachim Coens, in an interview on Sunday. It also works the Coens to create a manifesto with the ten lessons to be learned for the future.”

“What do we learn from this crisis? People are more important than things, and that we should slow down, that is, the well-being and the nature should be exploited.” In an interview with The Sunday of life (CD&V chairman of the Coens forward to the time after the solar corona. At Easter, he wants to be a manifesto of done with lessons for the future, we need to pull out of this crisis. “This has been a difficult time for people who are sick, for those who care, and the economy as a whole. This is certainly the case. But I also see the benefits of it and I want to enjoy stress.” So it turns out that the work from home in a wide range of sectors as possible, and that is to digitally gather, it works. “It is also an advantage of the corona. You will save a lot of time, because you are doing less and less travel.”

the Essence of life

Yet, according to the Coens, we are now all obliged to be of the essence of life once again to look at it. “Most of all, is that health is the most important thing is good,” he said. Also, the relationship that we, the people, and the renewed appreciation for people who are in the care of, and appreciation for, the nature belongs to the essence. “We were out there for the sake of the forgotten.”

Also, says he, how that we all of the measures are financial and are going to wear. “We all have a capacity to contribute to: that’s for sure. That means a fair tax system.” In a nutshell, “We’re going to do indeed need to look at who has the power in order to contribute to the relance. Some of the major international players have to pay are still less than property taxes. And that’s not right.”

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