Theaters across the country have had to cancel their performances as follows of forsamlingsforbuddet, which means that you are not allowed to gather more than ten people. And all the tickets they had already sold, must be repaid.

But a theatre took a chance, which has been shown to work.

while several theatres have offered to change the tickets to a later performance, so is the House Theater at Vesterbro in Copenhagen tried a different method. It writes TV 2 Lorry.

“the sale of goods act says that we must return the money for tickets to the canceled performances. But we have also given people the opportunity to donate the money instead and on the way to help the theatre through the crisis. Many have chosen to let us keep the money, so I am glad that I dared to question them,” says Laura Ramberg, managing director of the House Theatre.

It means that you in the House Theater may possibly can come through the crisis without a too great loss.

For example, is to hopefully not have to make genopsætninger of the notions of economic account, and you will probably be able to make performances with more actors than expected.

It will be possible to keep a higher artistic level, describes Laura Ramberg it.

TV 2 Lorry has spoken with Lonnie Sorensen, who is one of the customers, who have chosen to donate to the theater.

She had bought tickets for 700 crowns, and for her it would be terrible to see the theatre shut down.

the Theatres are particularly affected, since a large part of them are not covered by the government’s stimulus packages, as a large part of their economy is based on support from the state and municipalities.

the Money already spent on the performances, before coronavirussen put Denmark down.

At the theatres using the most a lot of money on a spectacle that only be recouped when the ticket sales begin.