The angler of the U.S. state of Pennsylvania got olive catfish of record proportions. This publication reports The Indiana Gazette.

Fish with a length of 1.27 meters, and weighing in at 25.5 kilograms, was caught in late may, but the state took a few weeks to register the record. 34-year-old Jonathan pierce (Jonathan Pierce) caught him with a fishing rod, the Schuylkill river. As bait used head trout.

“it was like a torpedo, — says the fisherman. — I spent many years fishing for catfish, but the fish did something I’ve never seen. He swallowed, and then fled to a pile of rocks and stuck in it.”

Pier three minutes unsuccessfully pulled him from his hiding place, and then decided to cheat and weakened the line. Fish decided that the danger had passed and out of the stones. After five minutes, the fisherman pulled her out of the water.

Electronic scale Pier lost a huge catfish, so it had to be weighed on scales that had brought him acquaintance. They showed that the fish weight at three kilograms higher than the state record, set in April 2019.

Olive catfish are found in the lower Great lakes, and the rivers Mississippi and Missouri, in the South American state of Louisiana and Northern Mexico. Adults grow up to 160 centimeters in length and weigh up to 60 pounds.

In 2017, it was reported that in France, three of the fishermen managed to catch an 80 pound catfish with a length of 2.46 meters. Fish caught on a hook off the coast of the Department of Moselle in the North-East of the country. Men spent about 30 minutes in order to pull a catfish on the side of the boat.