Looks like magic, but there’s a reasonable explanation.

Reddit User with the nickname VerySlump published online a video that he took at the Hoover dam in the American Board of Nevada. This dam is a 221-metre-high dam and a power station and is considered one of the most complex engineering constructions of modernity. And thanks to a new video, you can think about its mystical features.

It’s impossible to throw water off the Hoover Dam

In the video VerySlump tried to pour water from a plastic bottle from the top of the dam, but suddenly the liquid flowed down and up, nicely breaking up into round drops.

Reddit Users began to wonder, how could it be such a “zero gravity”, and the video quickly became viral and spread through social networks.

However, there is no mysticism here. As told by the experts, the water rises up due to the effect of ridge-lift. It represents the upward flow of air which is heated by the sun on the sloping part of the dam. But if you conduct a similar experiment with water on the other, the steep part of the dam, the focus will not work — the water just pour down.

Catherine Gura

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