The actions of Russia in the Arctic is concerned by the US

USA acknowledged "legitimate interests" of Russia in the Arctic, but concerned about the construction of Russian military infrastructure in the region. This was stated during a telephone press briefing the spokesman of high rank. The transcript circulated on Thursday, the press service of the Ministry.

According to him, Russia is promoting in the region the agenda, contrary to the interests of the United States, its allies and partners.

"the U.S. recognizes the legitimate interests of Russia in the Arctic, Russia is the Arctic Council, the diplomat said. – We cooperate with Russia and other Arctic countries on several issues, including the elimination of consequences of oil spills, search and rescue operations, [fighting] pollution. The work goes on, we want it to continue, we have no concerns in this area".

"However, we are concerned about the construction of Russian military facilities in the Arctic. The Russian presence has increased significantly in recent years, created Arctic command (United strategic command on the basis of the Northern fleet – approx. TASS), restored the airfields and other infrastructure – continued the representative office. – [Created] deepwater ports, new military bases along the coast [continue] efforts to deploy air defense and missile systems, radars, early detection".

"We are seeing a buildup of Russian military activity, including the holding in October last year, the biggest since the cold war doctrines (strategic command-staff exercises "Center-2019" – approx. TASS), said the state Department official. – We and our allies are sincere and legitimate concerns about such behavior".

As stated on 20 January, the Ambassador for special assignments of the Russian foreign Ministry, a senior official of the Arctic Council of the Russian Federation Nikolay Korchunov, the activity of NATO in the Arctic, especially countries that do not belong to this region, lead to tension and destabilization of the situation. At the end of December last year, the commander of the Northern fleet Alexander Moiseyev said that NATO is actively increasing its military training of its troops in the region, increasing intelligence activities.