Tatiana Moskalkova presented the President report on human rights

let’s Start with the latter. Please tell me, how has the work of the Commissioner during the period of restrictive measures and isolation and what you can do to protect people from being infected with coronavirus?

Tatiana Moskalkova: Coronavirus epidemic radically changed our lives. The mode of increased readiness and the unprecedented measures taken by the authorities in order to save people from fatal diseases, have changed their way of life each of us and has forced us to reorganize the work of all government agencies, enterprises and institutions.

of Course, this affected the office of the Commissioner for human rights. We organized a “hot line” received the treatment via e-mail, we are in constant communication, including via videoconference with their colleagues from the regions. This allows us to quickly respond to situations reported by citizens, to take measures to restoration of violated rights.

During the pandemic coronavirus rights of citizens should be strictly adhered to, and restrictions to be proportionate to the threat

From the point of view of human rights, in my opinion, there are two important main aspects. First, the strict implementation of the additional rights and guarantees that citizens and business have received on the basis of decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and Federal laws adopted in April of this year. Second, the observance of proportionality of restrictive measures real threat in the epidemic period.

tatiana moskalkova presented the president report on human rights 1Tatyana Moskalkova: I userdbloader colleagues, because stoodin is a warrior. Photo: Press service of the Commissioner for human rights in Russia

And how many complaints filed in connection with the introduction of restrictive measures?

Tatiana Moskalkova: the Vast majority of people understand the situation and accept it. However, the number of requests by telephone “Hot line” and electronic mail increased almost ten times compared tostatement from previous years. Although almost half of them do not call complaints. People call just to share their emotions, feelings. In this case, we rather act as emergency psychological help than representatives of public advocacy. Many people ask for advice on a variety of issues related to restrictive measures. For example, how to make electronic hospital or to pass on movement to the place of work.

the Complaint, of course, too. Over the past two weeks they received more than 300.

What most excites people in terms of restrictions and the isolation?

Tatiana Moskalkova: are still a large number of complaints related to the absence of pharmacies in the masks and sanitizers, with inability in walking distance to conduct a rapid analysis of the coronavirus and the high price of this service.

Doctors from a number of regions reported shortages of protective suits and ventilators. I must say that the number of cases of doctors is increasing. And this is a great concern.

In the far fields due to the cessation of flights within corporations, there have been cases of “freezing” used shift crews.

the Most numerous addresses were associated with the evacuation of Russian citizens from abroad because of the restrictions of the flights, due to the lack of the required number of seats in the so-called quarantine centers.

our newspaper has been published Your comment regarding Amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and for our readers, the Ombudsman’s position, in principle, known. Will you participate in observing a day of nationwide voting?

Tatyana Moskalkova: of Course. We have gained good experience of the organization for election observation. These forms and methods we intend to use during the all-Russian voting on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Returning to the Accounting report for the year 2019, what is the situation with human rights in the country?

Tatiana Moskalkova: the Results of sociological research of Fund “Public opinion”, which begins with the Report show that the public mood have not changed significantly compared to last year: in 2018 negatively assessed the quality of human rights, 53% a positive – 34 %, and in 2019 respectively 54 % and 33 %.

I Must say that in recent years there has been demanding people’s attitude to compliance and the protection of their personal and social rights. And this trend, I think, will increase.

violation of any rights of the most painful, judging by the results of opinion polls?

Tatiana Moskalkova: People tied for first place socio-economic rights: healthcare, education, housing and social security, labor relations, environmental protection.

Almost half of respondents (46 %) are concerned about high prices for housing and communal services, another 44 % – low level of salaries, more than a third (39 %) – higher prices for goods and services. According to the Government of the Russian Federation, below the poverty line were about 51 percent of large families, and it is a very sad phenomenon. It is therefore particularly important that in the difficult epidemiological situation social support in first place will receive exactly this category of citizens.

How you received appeals and complaints in 2019?

Tatiana Moskalkova: 38 328 cases. 1 and 683 of them collectively. Most of the citizens have turned to us traditionally in written form by mail, 4 136 such complaints were received in the process of personal reception of me and the staff of the office of the Commissioner, including with visits to the regions. More than 100 messages in social networks and media containing information about the violation of human rights, was also taken into consideration.

all accepted for consideration the complaints audited, in the case confirmprevention of violations of the rights of citizens, measures were taken to restore them.

On what topics number of requests increase, what decreases?

Tatiana Moskalkova: Public demand for justice is most clearly marked not only and not so much in the social sphere, but also in law enforcement. The number of cases in the criminal procedure area, especially in the field of protection of the rights of victims of crime and the rule of law in the investigation of crimes has increased. So, according to the criminal prosecution of 34%, including the denial of registration of statements on crimes – 29%, the refusals to Institute criminal proceedings by 27%. More than last year, received complaints and criminal-Executive legislation. About illegal, according to the applicants, the use of physical force against prisoners complaints it 2 times more.

By rights issues law on social insurance and social security citizens also sent more than a year ago.

however, reduced the number of complaints about violation of citizens ‘ rights in the sphere of housing legislation and the legislation in the sphere of religious relations.

Who and how did you help exactly? You still have, for example, “knock out” of employers ‘ debts on a salary?

Tatiana Moskalkova: In cooperation with the Prosecutor’s office, the Supreme court, the bailiff was able to achieve assistance in the protection and restoration of violated rights in respect of 2 503 citizens. And given an indefinite number of persons, if the use of legal terminology, – 460 thousand.

Glad that in respect of a number of citizens stopped the unjustified criminal prosecution, replaced the measure of restraint in form of detention to another, not connected with imprisonment, revoked, or modified sentences, and cancelled the decision about refusal in excitation of criminaltion of the case and the applicants were recognised as victims, replaced by a measure of the impugned order on administrative offences, changed the measures of administrative punishment.

restore the rights of citizens 82 of the collective cases. It is especially important that we managed in cooperation with the authorities to seek repayment of debt on a salary of more than 15 thousand workers of the 35 enterprises in the amount of 582,5 million rubles including employees of the holding OJSC Cherkizovo in Moscow, workers of the branch of “Azov” LLC “Greenmax” in the Rostov region, JSC “Zavod MDF” in KHMAO – Yugra.

innovations in the field of human rights protection connected with information technologies. We are improving the system of electronic document circulation, increase the reception of citizens on video. Now it is especially needed.

I always thank colleagues, because one is a warrior. The Ombudsman has great powers, but together we can help many more people. And most importantly. That for which we work.

Individual this year’s theme connected with Ukraine. In Russia, after the incident with the violation of our border in the Kerch Strait was detained and then prosecuted by the Ukrainian military seamen.

Tatiana Moskalkova: I visited them in jail-2 of the Federal penal service “Lefortovo” to check the conditions and order of their contents, in connection with requests to provide them with medical care. With the assistance of the management of the institution and of the Department of health of Moscow city hall to the three accused persons who during the arrest were injured, were given additional medical attention. They have undergone comprehensive medical examination and received the required treatment, including one of them was operated at state clinical hospital № 1 named after N. I. Pirogov.

of Course, I was very worried about the fate of our Russian citizens containing in places of imprisonment in Ukraine. This M. Odintsov, A. Baranov, K. Wyszynski…Their names are now known all over the country. I managed to visit them in Kiev and Nikolaev jail, and then participate along with the bodies of state power in the Russian-Ukrainian exchange of prisoners 35, 35, which took place thanks to the agreement between presidents V. V. Putin and V. A. Zelensky. And today they are free at home, at home, with their dearest and nearest.

tatiana moskalkova presented the president report on human rights 2 Photo: Infographics “RG” / Kuleshov, Leonid / Irina Evolove

a Very action-Packed, there were attempts to help the Russians find themselves in places of detention abroad.

Tatiana Moskalkova: To return to happen, we all, Ministry of foreign Affairs, law enforcement and your humble servant, have done a great job. I just traveled to Ukraine, met with compatriots residing there, under guard, checked the conditions and order of their contents, health status, attended the court session.

the number returned many of those whose family members have appealed to the Ombudsman, and we have been working on for the last 3 years.

in General, interacting with colleagues from foreign countries in the framework of the Eurasian Alliance of Ombudsmen and working with the Ministry of foreign Affairs, we provided assistance to Russian citizens abroad, on a variety of issues: repatriation, deportation, obtaining necessary medical care, the lifting of the ban on entry and exit documents.

So, in my letter to the Chief Ombudsman of the Turkish Republic, Sherifu Malkoch we managed to help the Russian sailors of the ship “Materialized”, who was arrested in the port of Istanbul. They had already run out of food and hygiene on Board, not wages paid. The result is food and what they brought, and later the crew is in full force left the port, but with the payment of wages in full volume!

What’s new in the protection of human rights?

Tatiana Moskalkova: there are more options to improve the quality of work. With the support of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin has established the Scientific-educational center for human rights, which is designed to enhance the skill level of regional commissioners for human rights, commissioners for the rights of the child, their vehicles, PMC members and other participants in human rights activities, conducting basic research in the field of human rights.

we now have a new legal Toolkit – March 18 the President of the Russian Federation signed the first in the history of our country, a comprehensive law “On commissioners for human rights in constituent entities of the Russian Federation”, which establishes General principles of organization and activities of regional commissioners, their interactions with the Federal Commissioner.

a Landmark event was the opening of human rights House, which was built nearly 20 years. And it’s not in the new offices and larger Windows, although the working conditions of employees is also important. More important for us to work with citizens. Innovations in the field of human rights protection is associated with information technology. We are improving the system of electronic document circulation, increase the reception of citizens on video. In the context of administrative-legal regimes of these forms of work were particularly in demand.

In the near term, we intend to apply to the Government of the Russian Federation for assistance in creating a single digital circuit for the Federal and regional commissioners, which will improve the quality of our work.

But most importantly – we need to create a single, comfortable and understandable for the citizens of the space of interaction with the Ombudsman and his regional colleagues. To any citizen in a mode “one window” on your computer, could get needed assistance – consultation, response and expeditious response by the competent state bodies for violations of his rights.

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