Nearly 50 percent of students said that they became more and more tired. Every second remote training is more difficult than face to face. For 65 percent of the students to remember and understand new material was much easier during the regular lessons in class, not on remote. But online learning has another side. So, 21 percent of children saw new opportunities for themselves: they want to try to learn in the new format.

These data are received, the specialists of the popular front and of the Foundation “National resources education”, a survey of almost 2.7 thousands of students across the country.

“We noticed that during remote training reduced the proportion of children who do not like to learn, – said Dukhanina. About six percent of boys report that they learn absolutely don’t like to quarantine this figure was 8.5”.

For the 40 percent of students distance learning was psychologically more comfortable. A third believe that remotely they are learning as productively as in school. Another 27 percent are confident that the exams you can successfully prepare on udalenke. Almost a quarter of students are willing to study remotely and on. Textbooks or online.

– When the initial shock, the interest in the possibilities of distance learning, a number of families will increase. The future of the digital school is associated with the emergence of the Methodists and Tutors e-learning coordinators, online platforms, designers of individual educational trajectories, – said Lyubov Dukhanina. Is the profession of the near future. The task of these specialists will translate the digital school of a storage format of tutorials, tests, and digital textbooks in a new quality. One element of such schools can be training modules at the interface of Sciences and subjects with different depth, different study. In the future, on the basis of such modules may be formed the entire training program.