Tag: President

The coming weeks will be crucial in the fight against coronavirus, and therefore all actions should be built optimally, said Vladimir Putin. The President also urged to consider all scenarios of the situation development of a pandemic
Russian Ombudsman Tatyana Moskalkova presented to the President of the Russian Federation annual report on human rights. Today, in exclusive interview "RG" told it about the most vivid events of the past human rights year and the main trends of the current year
Vladimir Putin will hold a meeting on sanitary-epidemiological situation in the country. In a videoconference Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova will talk about data in General in Russia. About the situation in Moscow will tell Sergei Sobyanin
The impossibility of direct communication does not affect the intensity of the graphics of Vladimir Putin, although he misses the trips and the meetings with people. "The schedule is not something that is the same, it is much more intense than usual period", - said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov
Russian-American consultations on the situation in the global oil market will continue. This was agreed between the presidents of Russia and the United States during a telephone conversation. The sides also discussed issues regarding pandemic coronavirus and cooperation in space

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