it Turned out that Russian teenagers are actively involved in the financial transaction: 50% of them own a Bank card and 32% have a private Bank account.

overall, according to the study, more than 60% of Russian 15-year olds feel confident in the performance of financial operations (to pay for the purchase with a Bank card, a mobile device, to perform a money transfer).

In terms of digital financial capabilities of the Russian students even outperform their peers from countries of the Organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD). Illustrative example: banking mobile app use half of Russian teenagers is greater than in the leading countries, where mobile application use 37% of adolescents.

meanwhile Russian teenagers are more impulsive when buying in comparison with their peers from other countries in comparison with Russia, 50% more Teens from OECD countries are willing to postpone the purchase and wait for lower prices.

And here’s another interesting fact – almost all indicators, boys were more financially savvy than girls. For example, boys have higher confidence when making remittances (for example, paying bills), filling out forms at the Bank, reading Bank statements, understanding of agreements of purchase and sale, monitoring the balance of your Bank account, plan expenses.

8 out of 10 students discuss with their parents financial matters. Thus teenagers do it frequently, showed better financial literacy. Financial literacy lessons at school, too, give a good effect. Financial education at school increases the confidence of adolescents when conducting financial transactions (+17%) – more than communication with parents on the topic of Finance (+13%).