The experts at Stiftung Warentest regularly check a wide variety of foods. Some of them are anything but recommended: they are full of harmful substances and have a negative impact on our health. We reveal where you should look closely.

Ready-made foods, also known as highly processed foods, are becoming very popular in our hectic society. These products are convenient and time-saving because they are often ready to eat immediately or can be prepared with minimal effort. However, despite their practical advantages, they pose significant health risks. Ready-made foods often contain high amounts of additives, salt, sugar and unhealthy fats, while important nutrients are often lost. It is therefore of great importance to be aware of the dangers of processed foods and to make more conscious decisions when choosing food.

In addition to soft drinks such as cola, the test also includes chips, ice cream, ready-made pizza, canned dishes or vegetarian or vegan alternatives such as veggie schnitzel

According to Stiftung Warentest (issue 6/2024), the diseases that can be promoted by eating ready-made foods are as follows:

Studies show that carcinogenic substances can be produced in the heat during production.

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