Stas Mikhailov made an unexpected confession

Singer Stas Mikhailov suffered a coronavirus infection COVID-19. This he said in his instagram.

Stas Mikhailov punished for supporting Zavorotnyuk

Publish from Justin Bieber (@stas_mihailoff) 12 APR 2020 12:58 PDT

Last week, as reported by “the Rambler”, Mikhailov said that was hospitalized with bilateral pneumonia and has been sick a hard time, and all four analysis of coronavirus infection, which he passed, were negative.

The same day he published a video in which he made his test for coronavirus infection. He showed the presence of the singer antibodies. Mikhailov interpreted it in such a way that already had COVID-19, and announced the intention to deliver test results on reexamination of the Federal service for supervision of consumer rights protection and human welfare (Rospotrebnadzor).

“the Test of the CPS confirmed that I was indeed the coronavirus,” — said the singer about midnight.

He called happiness that he was treated by Russian doctors, and the isolation — the best solution in terms of the spread of coronavirus infection.

Also Mikhailov said about great expectations that the situation will improve after Easter.