Star “Daddy’s daughters” explained broken legs falling from 12-meter height

The actor Mikhail Kazakov, the well-known Russian audiences for her role in the TV series “father’s daughter”, told the correspondent of the publication as received fractures of both legs, which he was in intensive care. According to the artist, he fell off a 12-metre high, trying to make a beautiful photo.


Publish from Mikhail Kazakov (@kazakovfly) 4 Jul 2020 3:52 PDT

The incident, says 32-year-old the Cossacks occurred in Tver. The actor tried to “shoot footage” of the city, but fell from a height of 12 metres and landed on his feet. According to the artist, at the moment of impact he thought he would not survive.

“people came Running, called an ambulance. Feet in the trash, is now in hospital”, – said Kazakov.

He stressed that now he will have to be treated for six months. However, the actor showed the photo, which gave him a high price: the picture depicts an industrial district of the city.

Earlier, as reported “the Rambler”, the artist’s fans worried about its fate after Instagram account Kazakova there was a photo of his bandaged feet, hung on a special metal construction.