SPD-Head of Saskia esque has brought to cope with the financial burdens of the Corona-crisis a one-time capital levy to the game. “We are going to need a fair distribution of the burden – and the can look for the SPD is the only way that the strong shoulders in Germany also participate heavily,” she told the “Stuttgarter Zeitung” and the “Stuttgarter Nachrichten”.

“I think a one-time wealth tax for one of the ways to bring the public finances after the crisis back in order.” The SPD Chairman also warned to save after the crisis elsewhere. “We must not lay the axe to the welfare state.”

the Left party leader Dietmar Bartsch had called for such a capital levy, a few days ago already. The basic law provides in article 106 such resources. A unique “Corona-levy” on private wealth was needed. The Bundestag had, in the past week, for the financing of the Corona-follow decided on a supplementary budget, the new debt in the amount of 156 billion euros out of the budget.

Despite the “social democratic handwriting”: esque management of catching up to do

looks in the crisis, the crisis management of the Federal government, esque said, and said that last week’s bailout umbrellas “a strong social-democratic handwriting” to wear. Nevertheless, from the point of view of the SPD already pent-up demand: “Open points we see in the case of trainees, working students or people in short-time work, living on over a longer period of time with only 60 per cent of your salary.” People in the basic social security are “in a particularly difficult situation.”

In terms of closed daycare centers, the SPD’s Director of public calls to raise any contributions. “Not only the propriety, but the law requires it to adopt parents in this Phase of the charges,” said esque. But since not all municipalities were able to bear the cost of this, had asked the States to take up the slack and cost. Masks sew it yourself: firefighters released a simple Video guide on FOCUS Online/News5 masks sew yourself: firefighters released a simple Video guide

sh/sh, dpa