Is the war finally going to Russia’s head? Russian parliament leader Vyacheslav Volodin warns Washington of an attack. He demands: Russian assets abroad should be released. If further sanctions follow, there will be consequences.

Which one exactly? According to the US magazine “Newsweek”, Volodin warns that Russia could reconquer the northernmost US state of Alaska. “America should always remember that part of its territory is Alaska,” said the State Duma chairman. If the US is trying to manage Russian resources abroad, they had better remember that Russia, too, “has something they can reclaim.”

Several billboards in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk make it clear how serious Vladimir Putin’s supporters are. Their slogan: “Alaska belongs to us!” In addition to large banners, the MP and Putin adviser Oleg Matveychev has been advertising on Russian state television since March 2022 for “reparations for the damage caused by sanctions”.

What should that look like? He demands “the return of all possessions of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and modern-day Russia confiscated in the United States.”

After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the USA sanctioned more than 300 members of the State Duma as well as Russian companies in the defense, energy and banking sectors.

The Republican Governor of Alaska, Mike Dunleavy, made it clear on Twitter: “To the Russian politicians who believe that they can retake Alaska: “Good luck.” The American journalist Dr. Ian Garner commented on the posters from Krasnoyarsk on social media saying, “Alaska is ours! They’ve gone totally insane.”

The largest state in the United States was part of the Russian Tsarist Empire until May 1867. However, Tsar Alexander II sold Alaska to the United States for just over $7 million. Fort Ross in California was also one of the trading posts of the Tsarist Empire in North America.

Eight German vacationers remain in detention on Mallorca. The judge refused bail, speaking of a “mockery of the judiciary”. The cone brothers are accused of starting a fire at a bar in late May.

On Tuesday evening, a swastika measuring around 360 square meters was discovered and mowed away in a field in Niederfinow in the Brandenburg district of Barnim.

The bodies of two men aged 40 and 52 were found in an apartment in Hamm. A homicide commission had been set up, said a spokeswoman for the Dortmund public prosecutor’s office on Thursday.