When the temperature drops, many people turn the thermostat on the heating. This allows you to regulate the internal temperature. But in addition to star and five, households should also pay attention to the black dots. FOCUS online tells you how to adjust your heating correctly and what you need to pay attention to.

With most radiators in Germany, the room temperature can be regulated via five levels on the heating. The higher the number, the more intensively the heating runs.

Many people do not know how to properly adjust the heating. They often turn on the switch spontaneously. But the right setting can save a lot of money and also warm up the room optimally.

If radiators are not really warming up in the upper area or if they are making gurgling noises, then there could be air in the pipes. As a result, the radiator cannot be heated up optimally, which means that you unnecessarily waste expensive heating energy.

It is therefore important to bleed the radiator before the heating season. You need a square wrench for this.

Use it to slightly open the valve on the side of the radiator. Now hold an empty bowl under the valve. Air escapes at first. As soon as water follows, turn the valve back on. It is important that you only open the valve slightly on the side and do not unscrew it all the way.

Depending on the room, you can choose between levels one, two, three, four or five. Basically, you don’t need the position five, the position only in exceptional cases. These temperature settings are intended for swimming pools, for example.

The levels indicate how warm it should be in your room.

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The star, sun and crescent symbols help distinguish between switched off, day and night. In star mode, the heating is always switched off, with sun you reach the basic setting. The heating ensures an internal temperature of around 20 degrees Celsius. Half moon means that the heating runs in the evening rhythm and maintains an inside temperature of a good 14 degrees Celsius.

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With these two pieces of information, you can now get through the winter safely. But there is also the line or dot trick.

You can exploit additional savings potential if you also take into account dashes and dots on the thermostat. You can save a good one degree Celsius per line.

Turn your heating to level 2 and in two dashes you’ll reach 18 degrees. That’s two degrees less than the default setting. The potential savings are around 20 percent.

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Digital thermostats can help save on heating bills. Because they can adjust the room temperature exactly to the needs of the user and external factors. Consumers can already save energy with an unconnected device.

The advantage over analogue devices: With digital thermostats, you can select the temperature in degrees precisely and record and control the room temperature much more precisely. You can find good offers here, among other things.

Energy has never been as expensive as it is now. But instead of panicking, you should calmly check potential savings at home. As our guide shows, there are many of them.

If furniture and large objects are in front of radiators or curtains are hanging over them, this impedes the heat dissipation into the room air. The heater then warms up the objects, the room in turn stays cool. Unnecessary energy is wasted.

In the summer months, the windows are continuously tilted or open all day. In the winter months you should air the rooms regularly to avoid mold in the rooms. However, you should only open the windows briefly. Ideally, do not tilt, but ventilate intermittently or completely crossways. As a guideline, windows remain open for a maximum of 15 minutes in autumn and five minutes in winter.

Keeping doors between heated and unheated rooms closed saves almost ten percent on heating costs. The savings are even greater if the doors to the hallway, basement and attic remain closed. Up to 15 percent savings are possible.

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