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After svineinfluensaen in 2009, there were layers beredskapsplanar for the pandemic. One of the initiatives is secret stock with naudproviant around in the country.

For how should the shops get a hold of the staple foods if for example a large slaughterhouse, dairy or other actors in the Norwegian food industry must close down over a longer period of time because of koronakrisa?

NRK has asked to gain insight into how many stock with naudproviant that is, where they lie and what kind of foods that is there, but has been rejected. As from the ministry of Trade and the ministry of fisheries is “tryggleiksomsyn”.

In place before koronapandemien

In an e-mail from kommunikasjonsavdelinga in the industry – and the ministry of fisheries is called it among other things:

“the ministry of Trade and ministry of fisheries has established several measures to ensure forsyningsberedskapen of foods in Norway, among the things the stockpile of certain foods that can be used in situations with serious forsyningssvikt. Concrete information, for example about the stock and how the facilities lie we can unfortunately not go out of tryggleiksomsyn”.

It is stipulated that these lagera was in place already before koronapandemien.

READINESS: the Head of the council of the matvareberedskap, Knut Aaland, trying not to comment on what will happen with matvareleveransane to shop if major butchery or dairy must shut down because of koronasmitte.

Photo: Espen Braata / Braata, Espen – control

A separate advice for matvareberedskap in Norway, was established, led by Knut Aaland in the Norgesgruppen.

He tells that it is worked hard and meticulously to keep leveransane of foods out in the shops.

– as of today we have more than enough food and lagera is full. We have control of the situation, ” he says.

– What will happen with leveransane to the shop if, for example, large dairy or slaughterhouse must close because it comes koronasmitte in the workforce?

– We have full focus on to ensure leveransane to the local shops and we want not to comment on this any more now, ” he says.

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Aaland add to that the various matvarekjedene have beredskapsplanar that will be taken in use if it was going to be a problem with matleveransane, or whether there would be any other problem. Beredskapsplanane is hemmelegstempla.

– The big matvarekjedene have many food storage kringom in the country. How much food is there on these lagera and how long they can deliver without being able to get new supply?

– It varies from product group to product group, as a strongly in response to it, I can’t give.

also Read: Out to hamstring: – It is unnecessary, and can create challenges Think the information is “sensitive”

the Council for matvareberedskap serves as the academic advisor for the ministry of Trade and ministry of fisheries under the koronapandemien. The council consists of matvaredistributørane Rema 1000 Norge, Norgesgruppen, Coop Norge, Servicegrossistene and Tine.

the Council for matvareberedskap have between anna works lageroppbyggingsplanar for foods and their own pandemiplanar. But NRK don’t get access to pandemiplanane.

In one e-mail shows fungerande communications manager for næringsministeren, Christine Spersrud Bunch, of that there can be “trade secrets and sensitive information” in the plans.

SUPPORT HEMMELEGHALD: Director of Corporate tryggleiksråd, Odin Johannessen, think it is important for the national tryggleiken that it is kept secret every naudprovianten is stored.

Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scan Understand trongen for hemmeleghald

Director of Corporate tryggleiksråd, Odin Johannessen, has an understanding that the ministry will continue to realize naudproviant and pandemiplanar secret. He påpeikar that the accused may come from different (both in a crisis or a war situation.

– There can be bombs, fire, sabotage and theft. Since we do not know exactly what can happen to us, when it affects us, and who affects us, well authorities our to shield information about the location and content of any such stock by the naudproviant, ” he says.

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