Secret methods mishustina assault staged on Saturday

this week marks one hundred days since that moment as in Russia suddenly there was a new Prime Minister — all of a sudden, including first and foremost yourself. When January 15, 2020 long-term head of tax service Michael Mishustin has arrived in Gostiny Dvor to be heard the annual Message of the President, he did not even know that after just a few hours his life would change beyond recognition. At mishustina had other plans, including emergency care on a short leave for a few days. But all this was necessary to forget, when he was invited to an urgent meeting with Putin in the First building of the Kremlin. With this, as it is described in the environment of GDP, “substantive” meeting Michael Mishustin has already entered the rank of the near future the head of the government of the country.

the term “Prime Minister” appeared in our country 115 years ago. And, according to my highly subjective estimates, from 33 predecessors of Michael mishustina for the post of head of the Government of Russia or the Soviet Union, only about ten have taken up this watch in a relatively stable and non-crisis times. The first Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Empire Sergei Witte had in the fall of 1905 to organize a new management system amid raging in the country of the revolutionary fire. In the fall of 1911 to Minister of Finance Vladimir Kokovtsov had first to witness the assassination of his friend and boss, the Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin, and immediately after the death of Stolypin to know what he trusted to replace the dead man. But the absolute majority of mishustina predecessors at least had an understanding of what crisis they have to fight. In the spring of 1998 Sergey Kiriyenko knew that built on the GKO pyramid and unsustainable budget external borrowing of the then Russian economic model is living out its last months and will soon inevitably collapses. In the autumn of the same year, Yevgeny Primakov realized that along with the “bonding” of the collapsed economy he will have to save from the destruction of the political system. In the summer of 1999, Vladimir Putin understood that emanating from the Caucasus, the threat of terrorism calls into question the very existence of Russia as a whole. As in 1917, the country at that period could easily collapse into the abyss, but by the resolute action of the new Prime Minister are from the abyss to trulite.

in Other words, the majority of the previous leaders of our government, too, was not sugar. But I still stand by my thesis: the first hundred days of Prime Minister Mikhail mishustina was even more like a rollercoaster than most of his predecessors. At mishustina all started on a positive and optimistic�� note. Before has reputation management genius of the new Prime Minister stood albeit not simple, but clear and understandable objective: to use the accumulated precursors of the huge financial reserves to boost economic development, debug, trouble-free work of the government administrative machinery. But soon the government was faced with a harsh new reality: all tasks “peace time” we have to postpone, then the country should be translated into survival mode. How quickly the Prime Minister Mishustin became aware of this change “epidemiological eras”? How effectively the new Government of the Russian Federation operates in the grip of a galloping crisis of unprecedented early type? And as far as Putin is satisfied with the actions of his office in terms of absolute force majeure? In search of an answer to these questions, I have tried how it is now possible to look behind the scenes of the White house.

Hurricane in the quiet backwaters

In its once-heard around the world the book is about political intrigue and the secrets of the Vatican “In the name of the Lord” by the famous British journalist David Yallop told among other things the following episode from the life of Pope John Paul I. In 1978, a priest of the Jesuit father Dezza learned that he has been granted a great honor: the Pope chose him as his Confessor. Agitated to the depths of the soul, the priest immediately began phoning into the reception of the head of the Roman Catholic Church. Soon the tube was removed: “Sorry, Secretary to Pope out. Can I help you?” — “And who am I speaking with?” asked the Jesuit. “You talking to daddy!” At the reception Mikhail mishustina would hardly occur to a similar case: the secretaries of our Prime Minister too in a disciplined and effective. But, if you do not pay attention to these prevent good history boring facts, shown by John Paul I’s demeanor is in the spirit of Michael mishustina. One of the main distinguishing features of the behavior of the new Prime Minister is a complete lack of interest in the ceremonial and representational aspects of his high office.

as head of government, Mikhail Mishustin refused to move to put him in the rank of state residence. Instead, he continued to live in their own country house, which within a few years built, as head of the tax service (those who have been visiting the Prime Minister, noted the austere style of his dwelling “without any gilding and hints of the Empire style”). Many high officials, getting a new position, immediately ordered to renovate his new office. The new head of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation has left its legacy in Medvedev’s Cabinet in the White house virtually unchanged. Shortly after his recruitmentthe inclusion of the Prime Minister Mishustin went on a long ceremonial Protocol event from the category of those who loved its predecessor. Almost any other man in his place would have fun taking honors, put him in the new position. Mikhail Mishustin instead complained to friends on the “pointless waste of time.”

as the White house, Mikhail Mishustin became a recluse to sit in the Suite put the premiere of rooms on the fifth floor of the building. Instead, he started to develop his new possession: to walk the corridors of the White house, to go to the offices of various (sometimes very senior) employees. Many high officials never call his subordinates directly, but only “connected” through the secretaries. For mishustina not a problem to take the phone and dial his subordinate on the mobile. In all these episodes, which I was told all sorts of people, with no trace of affectation or desire to take a stand. They are a reflection of one of the most important distinctive features of Michael mishustina — it built up over the long, heavy, but at the same time very effective teamwork.

this in any case does not follow that the new Prime Minister of Russia — a kind of “man in a case”, not thinking about anything but work. The paradox of Michael mishustina is that the new occupant of the White house is a living refutation of the well-known joke: “Girls, remember, young, beautiful, smart, rich and generous — that’s five different men!” As I wrote, Mishustin — a man who has a keen sense of humor, loves and knows how to have fun, loves friends, playing hockey, composing poems and songs for famous Russian singers (or rather, wrote — many from their Hobbies the Prime Minister had now to be abandoned). But the new head of the Russian government knows very well to carry out a clear boundary between two of its incarnations — so well that sometimes I had the impression: Mishustin in private and Mishustin at work — it’s still “two different people”.

the Current Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko has mastered the details of both of these incarnation of his boss. Students of Moscow Stankin Mishustin and Chernyshenko met and became friends back in the 80-ies in the face one night, then owned by them to the Institute, this former Church building on Novoslobodskaya street: “In those years there was located one of the most modern computing centers in the Soviet Union. We students had access at night. And we this right is actively used we’re actively pulled.” But as Dmitry Chernyshenko answered my provocative question about how he calls his friend working at��of VKE: “of Course, only the Prime Minister. At work we are not friends! You ask how I call mishustina outside of work? I will not tell!”

so, it looks like a typical work day premiere mishustina? He appears in his office around eight in the morning and leave around midnight (sometimes much later). Weekly operational meeting with Deputy Prime Ministers at nine in the morning on Monday, other meetings, phone calls, endless paperwork, the details of which are Prime “involved more closely than he put on the status”. Very quick decision making and very quick implementation. Breaks for eating, you can call interruptions is very conditional. Prime Minister dines on a small table in the break room, all the while helping to resolve business issues. As I told one of his close associates: “At work Mishustin perceive food as a necessity, gasoline, which is required to refuel to go further.” In exactly the same rhythm, are forced to operate and the subordinates and assistants of the Prime Minister.

is it Easy to work with such an unruly boss? Veteran all the latest modern Russian Cabinet of Ministers, Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova gracefully parried this question: “Simple boss is not there in principle. A leader is always a leader and a subordinate is always a subordinate. Consider therefore the formulation of your question is not quite correct”. Deputy Prime Minister and former Chairman of the organizing Committee for the Olympic games in Sochi, Dmitry Chernyshenko, was more outspoken: “I used to think that the hard part is everything in my life has been. But what is happening now, not comparable even with the work on the organization of the Olympic games!”

But do not think that the work under the direct supervision of Michael mishustina — joyless work under pressure. True is the opposite. Talk to former Advisor to acting Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar and current rector of the Academy of foreign trade Sergey Sinelnikov-by Marylewis I have recommended in the fact, that under the protection Mishustin dissertation he was his opponent. To my deep chagrin, to get the rector of any colorful stories associated with this scientific battle, I failed. But he shared with me a very accurate and correct observation: “the trials that befell the newborn government mishustina, I would not wish even my worst enemy. But what is most amazing. The government, whose members owing to small term of existence of the present Cabinet, it would seem, had to get used to each other, passes through these tests as a single and coordinated team��a”.

after reviewing in Detail a few weeks working style of Michael mishustina, I do not perceive this fact as the reason for the surprise. From my previous descriptions of this style could give the impression that the current Prime Minister — a man-machine, a kind of live computer, to perform their duties effectively, but without emotion. And again nothing could be further from the truth. Individual characteristics, allowing to call him a human computer, mishustina, of course. “From the very first moment we met, I realized that next to me a person who thinks, speaks and thinks fundamentally different from the others, you can even say, space velocity, — said Dmitry Chernyshenko. — Being with him, it’s like being in the zone of powerful energy fields. It makes you extremely concentrate to match his level.”

But with all of this in a working environment Mikhail Mishustin — not man-machine. “The Prime Minister very emotional — told me one of his closest aides. — It is very important to feel the people with whom he works, turning them from subordinates to their comrades, to infect them with the excitement of the struggle for the interests of the case”. In the first weeks of the new government, such “contamination” was fairly relaxed (if they measure the standards mishustina) pace. Yes, the official working week was busy to the brim. But on Sunday, the government took a day off. And Saturday was freed from the routine and was dedicated instead focus on the future “brain storms”.

it Looked like this. In the great hall of the press center of the government gathered a variety of people: current Deputy Prime Ministers and Ministers, retired members of the previous Cabinet of Ministers, eminent scholars and economic experts. All these people were divided into small groups, each of which posed some important strategic task. Then the results of these surveys were merged into the General conversation. Such strategic session lasted from three to six hours. Such methods Mikhail Mishustin has consistently created a team whose members act in unison with each other.

on Saturday, March 7, members of this newly created team once again gathered in the press center of the White house, waiting for the new advanced conversation about the strategic prospects of the Russian economy. But mishustina was a surprise for the audience. He said the conversation about how to increase the speed of economic growth in Russia were forced to be canceled. Instead, the audience was invited to brainstorm on the most pressing topic: how can Russia counter the offensive caranavi��us? Almost at the same time became famous in other news: for the government Sunday ceases to be the weekend, and becomes the normal working day.

Cabinet in the background virus

the last time I was able in person to visit the White house on Friday evening, March 27, for 48 hours prior to the introduction of Sergei Sobyanin mode isolation in Moscow. Even then, in the headquarters of the government was visible all the signs of the frontline environment. Usually always filled with people the main checkpoint of the White house was virtually empty. To get to the main building of the Cabinet of Ministers was only possible after the pre-sanitary control that sat on the chairs before a framework of metal detectors girls in white coats and thermometers.

In the waiting room in front of the offices of senior management on the most prominent places were arranged containers with disinfectants. Inside one of these offices his master taught me a new form of greeting that a virus has temporarily replaced the handshake in the circle of his colleagues (in normal times, something similar can be observed in the circle of American rappers or other advanced characters). On the neck of my just returned from the premiere of the interlocutor thus adorned lowered down the medical mask. Although all who had the right of access to the office of the Prime Minister, has long been subjected to daily testing for coronavirus, login to Mikhail Mishustin still only allowed in medical masks.

But the most positive and at the same time frightening emotions I got in that evening in the spacious bar on the third floor of the White house. I liked it so much eaten me cake for 35 rubles, I decided to take the takeaway box full of sweets. I was immediately struck by the warm wave of gratitude on the part of the barmaids. On Saturday at the government House, were scheduled for total disinfection. And if I would not have purchased the cakes, which already began to remove in the window, they would have had to write off. I must admit, that evening some of these will take a rapid approximation of the “front line” I was seriously nervous. But now I remember almost with nostalgia — how cute details of the last relatively peaceful days.

As a new team in the White house shows itself in an environment where in continuous front line has become the whole country and the whole world? I will not dwell much on how every morning on the table, the Prime Minister falls “short” 80-page report on the situation of coronavirus in the country, or about how the government works from early morning until three in the morning (this is not an artistic generalization, and the real deadline Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova on the night of 10 to 11 April). Those curious in normal circumstances childrenAli now do not matter. Instead, in relation to the work of the Cabinet of Ministers, despite a declared Putin and Mishustin measures, many people worry about the answer to quite another question: why, in terms of the simultaneous collapse of several important sectors of the Russian economy, the government is not doing much more to support them?

“In the current environment, whatever action the government may take, it is still all sides are to blame, it makes little — gave me his version of the answer to this question is known Russian economist Vladimir Mau. — No one is even approximately cannot estimate the scale and depth of the problem. Amid such uncertainty from a tactical point of view, for the government would be the most correct, even having a package of measures, not to introduce all these measures at once. Abroad, by the way, many leading countries have this approach. For example, the us Congress approved an aid package of the economy volume of two trillion dollars means not spending them simultaneously, and whether government has the right to spend it. Threatening us now the enemy is obscure and insidious. The government should not be immediate vanity, and the adoption of responsible decisions. With this task the Cabinet of Ministers mishustina copes. The government was able to immediately fulfill the orders from Putin to switch from the peace agenda in the military”.

“You mean that the government should continue to play long?” — I asked Vladimir Mau, a leading question and then ran into him the following disheartening response: “the Government must always act long-term. But long-term Outlook is now how much? If the coronavirus will leave our lives a few months, many sectors of the economy will be able to recover with relatively small costs. But if the current situation drags on, say, a year, the price of the repair may be quite different”. Translated from the scientific expert language into easily understood, this statement means something like: the rhetoric that “we are at war with the coronavirus”, is only partly hyperbole. With the epidemiological and economic point of view, we now really at war. And the war is impossible without sacrifice and hardship. In war it’s impossible to save absolutely everyone. The war is not the logic of peace.

the international monetary Fund and other authoritative organizations predict that the world can wait for the most protracted economic crisis since the great depression of 1929. For those not in the subject, let me remind you: to fully overcome the effects of this economic cataclysm most countries in the world could not even the beginning of the Second world war, ten years later. This pushes us into even more tormentor��th conclusion: the government mishustina has neither moral nor political, nor economic rights to mindlessly print reserves, trying to save everyone. Many doctors around the world are now facing the need to make the unbearable choice to decide whom to save among the population of patients with coronavirus. Mishustina, the government is now face to face with the economic equivalent of such a choice.

“may you live in interesting times!” reads the famous Chinese curse. Mishustin very unlucky: he headed the Government of Russia on the eve of the immersion of the country into the abyss of “coronaries”. But in the opposite direction, this formula is not working. Russia was very lucky that at such a critical period at the head of the Cabinet was a man like Mikhail Mishustin. Russia was lucky that in the period of destruction just a habitual way of life, she joined without overt or covert misunderstandings between the main actors in its management.

As someone who sees a lot of things, but not everything has the ability to directly write, at this time, I can attest: Mishustin has full trust Putin, the government and the Kremlin administration are now working in complete harmony. Don’t know what trials and tribulations await our state ahead. But I firmly believe that our Prime Minister will work to the maximum. Different Mishustin just can not.