It was a frightening sight that met Doaa from Aarhus, when she went for a walk past the nursery Valhalla in Sembawang on Sunday morning.

“We have visited the nursery several times because they keep their port open, but it here we have never seen before,” she says, when B. T. spoke with her on Sunday afternoon.

Someone had tied a teddy bear stuck to a big pole with a long piece of white rope. The teddy bear was tied over the stomach with the arms brought behind the back.

And on the side of a shed to another place on the nursery area there was written ‘stupid corona. Fuck covid-19. Catch me on snap’ in big letters.

“It was really uncomfortable. My friend’s three-year-old boy was very surprised and asked who had done it,” says Doaa, who do not want to stand with the surname or picture.

She is nervous about them, who carried out the vandalism, will turn to her.

B. T. have been in contact with the police, that tells that there is someone who has reviewed the vandalism.

However, think Doaa, that it must have happened between Saturday and Sunday morning, when she often visits the kindergarten playground with his friend’s children.

“There is really often the parents on the playground, so it must almost be done late in the evening or at night,” she says.

She doesn’t know about the teddy bear still tied to the post or if the text has been removed.

“We chose to take home with the same. You know not, who have touched the teddy bear,” she says.

If the teddy bear also hangs there, the next time the Doaa is over, then she will contact the nursery. She does not think it is necessary to involve the police.