Online cinema Okko will show the series “private life”. About it reported in a press release received by the editors”.ru”.

a Romantic Comedy with Anna Kendrick in the lead role, explores, as did her series “sex and the city” and “Girls” as a theme of search of love in new York. Kendrick plays the employee of the art gallery that goes with Dating on a date hoping to find true love. Online cinema recommends you watch the new day of the world premiere on may 28, the show is also available in the subscription “Series AMEDIATEKA”.

Morning, 9:00, Okko offers intensive training in the program “Fitness against the virus”. At 12:00 — a series of lectures “Moscow secrets”, in which well-known painters, sculptors and architects share their amazing stories about the Russian capital, and his secrets.

by Day, 14:00 viewers recommend culinary lecture “Cooking at home with the Novikov School” with a recipe for risotto with mushrooms. Later, in 16:00, edition about Italy in “the time Machine”. It will tell about the secrets of the ancient history of mountainous country and share the facts of the past that shaped our present times.

Evening 19:00, the user is prompted to see the musical “Embezzlers” based on the novel by Valentin Kataev from the Moscow musical theatre. Composer and main star of the show was made by the founder of the group “Quartet”, Maxim Leonidov, who with the help of librettist and Director Alexander Shavrina tells about the adventures of two people intoxicated with alcohol and light public money of Muscovites who go to revel in Petersburg on the background of the NEP.

21:00 viewers recommend Jewish tale “the Resourceful boy.” At 22:00 online cinema offers to watch the show “private life”.

Okko provides its subscribers a new type of content delivery: shaped like the classic TV program transmission, but it is personalized and tailored to the wishes and needs of each user, and is also available every day. Read more about main events and premieres online cinema next week read our collection.