Russian model said the police Presnensky district of Moscow on rape by famous photographer Sergey Bermeniev. It is reported in your Telegram-channel publishing chain.

According to her, the author of the portraits of Federico Fellini, Jack Nicholson, David Bowie, Joseph Brodsky, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and other famous people spent the night casting in the apartment on Zoologicheskaya street. The girl claims that after the rape Bermeniev tonsure her hair, burned them, and gave 10 thousand rubles and sent home by taxi.

it is Reported that no investigations are currently not carried out. Police have not yet questioned bermenieva.

As reported by Telegram-channel “112”, model was invited to shoot the girl presented assistant bermenieva. The victim reported that a photographer offered a model to drink, and led her into the bedroom and raped her. Specifies that the next day he contacted the girl to see how she feels.

In June, former Russian model, ecoactivists and feminist Aleksandra Shugai accused the German DJ of rape. She said that in October 2019 arrived in Novosibirsk DJ Danila Kuptsov (his name changed), who for a long time residing in Germany. Feminist met him on social media and agreed to meet to discuss work.