In Russia, a historic event happened, but no one in the world had not noticed. It and Russia did not notice, which is a pity, because it is very good.

Good things are now a rarity. A week of news is a continuous criminal act: the journalist received a guilty verdict, the arrest of the Governor, the arrest of a journalist, searches in the offices, espionage… And even the first law — repressive: for talking about the “alienation” of some of our territories in humans will be in big trouble.

Dmitry Medvedev gave an extensive interview to radio “KP” — this is a good event. If you are not happy — it’s a pity because, except for the fact of being interviewed, we have nothing better to please you.

the Historicity of this event is that it allows you to see the most important details of our external and internal policy of our state mechanism, without resorting to spyware tricks: recruiting agents, stealing documents, etc.

a great interview (it would take a whole page of the newspaper) gave the statesman who for 4 years was the President of Russia and 8 years of her Prime Minister. His every word was catching all the news agencies, he listened to the lords of the world, it is hoped progressive citizens, seniors and pensioners, at his press conference gathered thousands of journalists, and now his interview was not even in the news.

Start to search the Internet — get references: “Medvedev called friendly relations with Putin”, “Medvedev revealed his relationship with Putin.”

the Relationship with Putin — his personal business. For the country, as we think, they do not matter. But news agencies believe is the most important in the interview Medvedev, we quote:

MEDVEDEV. The President is the first person in the country (didn’t?). Now, because of the position I occupy, I am his Deputy who is responsible for the functioning of the Security Council, ensuring security issues. This is exactly why we communicate regularly in a variety of formats, discuss a variety of issues in the field of security, in the narrow sense, and economic issues, and social.

Think of it all? Wrong; the important question should give an important answer. Here is the continuation:

MEDVEDEV. And as the Chairman of the largest party — United Russia — I occasionally refer to him on party issues. Especially when it was about the preparation of proposals to support the economy, the social sphere, on some issues of work, employment. Such proposals I was preparing-not only as Deputy Chairman of the Security Council, but also as the leader of the party. And on that topic, we also spoke. So that’s all right. All good.

Well, what to say to a person who has “all right, all right”? Itasked how he spent two months of quarantine. If we were writing a novel about a man who all his life wanted to say beautiful, we would just inserted into the mouth of the hero pieces of this interview because it couldn’t be better.

MEDVEDEV. Like many other citizens of our country: on the one hand, worked as Deputy Chairman of the Security Council played. On the other hand, I had to spend a lot of time at home, that really probably is for the family not the worst. What I was doing in this period, fundamentally no different from what it was before. But something to hide, it was a very difficult, emotionally difficult days, months even. I chaired meetings, met with colleagues, but largely the communication was via video conferencing, which has a lot of advantages, but certain disadvantages, because in some cases still require direct personal contact with the person.

In the Russian language there is an expression “zero without a stick.” 4 years President, 8 years Prime Minister, and that is nothing. Officials took the suit off, which is called “position” and there is nobody. Everything is there: the palaces, security, flashers, and a little confused.

suddenly, When Putin moved Medvedev to the post of head of government as Deputy Chairman of the Security Council, some commentators have tried to pass it off as a promotion. This, they say, such a position, which de facto makes Medvedev’s Vice President. Trusting nodded understandingly. And as most displaced persons have been nice this half-blushing balm for the wound.

it took six months. I made this “Vice President”? What does he do? Why are we kept? Strengthened our national security from the fact that the Security Council has a new position, possible only because the President wanted to sweeten the pot and especially for the old fellow invented a non-existent post?

in 2008, When Putin made Medvedev his successor in the Kremlin invented the word “tandem”. In fact, the tandem is a Bicycle with two seats. Ride two, each has its own pedal, and, by design, both should spin hard. A dangerous thing, unreliable. One turns and the other Philo — when he is not extra power, but extra weight, retard. When they again changed places, and Prime Minister Putin became President again, and President Medvedev became Prime Minister, the word “tandem” instantly disappeared. President Putin is no equal to him the face was not necessary, even pooranee not necessary. Tandem was invented in the Kremlin only on those 4 years when Putin was Prime Minister, and just so all knew: he’s still first person.

the target date for re-appointed of an important official is considered to be 100 days. Medvedev nthe my post spent almost 200. What is he doing? On request “tell me about your work” the answer came:

MEDVEDEV. It is, indeed, less public due to the fact that the President and the Prime Minister is the person who should regularly talk about what is happening in the country, what decisions have been made. For the Vice-President of the Security Council such inevitable necessity does not exist. But this does not mean that this job requires less work. The range of issues dealt with by the Security Council is very broad. These are questions of economy, environment, security against crime, terrorism, and international cooperation. In this respect, perhaps my work is somewhat different from what I had done before. But it’s interesting work.

He wondered what more? Medvedev spoke about the work of his son. If it is true that nature rests on the children, the son of the Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia will grow up a clever man.