Rouhani appreciated the idea of the summit Russia Iran Turkey video

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani held a telephone conversation with President of Turkey Tayyip Erdogan and supported his idea about the Troika summit in Astana in the format of videoconference.

The conversation took place on Wednesday, as the day before Rouhani discussed the Syrian issue with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"efforts Should be made to ensure that the people of Syria and the countries of the region lived in a stable environment. I hope that the efforts of the three countries will lead to peace, comprehensive security in the region in the interests of all countries," said Rouhani.

According to the statements published on the website of the Iranian President, "Rouhani welcomed the proposal of the President of Turkey to host the summit, the Iran-Turkey-Russia in the framework of the Astana process, as well as the holding of a Council of high level cooperation between Iran and Turkey in a videoconference format".