At ENEA bloomed roses. They can be seen throughout the exhibition. Most of the bushes planted at the fountain “Friendship of peoples” and “Stone flower”, the flower beds on Central Avenue, and North and South Rosaria.

The exhibition contains many popular rose types: hybrid tea, floribunda, groundcover and more. In total there were planted more than 35 thousand rose bushes of different varieties, which differ not only in hue but also in form.

The most striking species of ROS, which bloomed at ENEA, is a floribunda variety “Satchmo”. During the restoration of the flower beds by the summer they were planted about four thousand. They can be seen on the Central alley of the VDNKH.

In addition, between the fountains “Friendship of peoples” and “Stone flower” planted standard roses in red and pink shades. They are characterised by heavy and prolonged flowering, announced on the official website of the Moscow mayor.