In a criminal case on the murder of 88-year-old Russian Walker in a hospital ward revealed new details — 84-year-old defendant said that it was not aware of how things will end. On Sunday, July 5, according to “Moskovsky Komsomolets”.

it is Noted that both pensioners with cancer was hospitalized because of high blood pressure in 81 city hospital in Moscow. After medical examination both put in a quadruple room.

According to the publication, the conflict has inflamed in the night from 2 to 3 July, there wasn’t anyone who could witness this showdown. In particular, the roommates — stroke retired, and took the night pills for man — could not accurately tell you the circumstances of the incident.

According to the older defendant, he remembers what happened before the outbreak of the fighting and after it, but the time of the murder could not tell, as in the memory of it is not deposited.

law Enforcement agencies were able to specify the circumstances of the incident. According to them, the attacker smashed the night a glass of the patient, then walked over to the bed 88-year-old pensioner and started beating. Clarifies that the victim broke four ribs.

At this point the nurse came running, hearing the loud moans and screams. The accused however chased her to beat her. In the hallway a woman with a gurney could be pressed against the wall of the pensioner, and then ran to the aid of hospital staff neutralized patient.

the aftermath of beating 88-year-old pensioner died. His close relatives say what happened is murder. It is clarified that at the moment the accused was charged with article 111 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (“Deliberate causing of heavy harm to health, entailed death”).

it became known yesterday that in Moscow hospital, a patient was beaten to death by walkers roommate. In fact the incident a criminal case. The accused was sent under house arrest.